These countries are loosening their Corona-measures – view

How to succeed in the return to a kind of normal everyday life after the Corona pandemic is best? In Switzerland, there is currently no concrete Exit strategy. Also, the date is not fixed yet. In other countries, the measures look different.


Prime Minister, Mette Frederiksen (42) spoke of a “first tentative Phase of” the Opening of the country: In a first step, ask the children to nurseries, kindergartens and schools up to the fifth class starting on the 15. April re-open. Thus, the Danish government wants to relieve first of all, the parents who had to take care of in addition to working in a home office yet also for your younger children.

All further action, has extended Frederiksen in the same breath, around four weeks: The Danish borders, also to Germany, remain provisional up to the 10. May sealing. The same applies, according to Frederiksen, at least until the next Phase of Opening up for Restaurants, cafes, pubs as well as theatres and other leisure facilities. Meetings with more than ten people are forbidden to big events until the end of August is prohibited.


Denmark had also responded to Austria early, with strict measures on the Coronavirus. 14. April, it’s now going on with the timid way: Small shops (up to 400 square meters), as well as construction and garden centers are allowed to open according to the Chancellor, Sebastian Kurz (33) under strict conditions again. From 1. May should must follow all the shops, shopping centres and hairdressers. A timetable for the Opening of Hotels and gastronomy to the end of April, with the objective of resuming operations starting in mid-may.

The output restrictions will be extended until the end of April – this means that you are allowed to leave the apartment only with good reason. The schools to remain until mid-may. Events should not take place until the end of June. The existing mask duty in the supermarket, is from the 14. April on all the open shops and public transport expanded.

the Czech Republic

The Czechs must play according to a decision of their minority Cabinet since Tuesday Tennis or Golf. In addition, the first Corona are allowed to open crisis of closed shops as of Thursday, including Hobby and hardware stores, the iron goods workshops to trade, as well as Bicycle. At the same time, hygiene rules for the retail sector will be tightened: The minimum distance between clients must be two metres, at the entrance of disinfectants and disposable gloves must be provided.

The government in Prague speaks also, that from the 14. April indispensable, necessary travel abroad are allowed to be, such as doctor’s visits or business trips. So far, the country is in the Eastern part of the neighbouring German has a strict travel ban.


Also in the EU country of Lithuania is still hope. “We will probably relax the conditions for certain small businesses and very clear conditions set,” said the head of government Saulius Skvernelis (49) on Tuesday in Vilnius. Therefore, these companies should be allowed to re-open for customers, if you have certain arrangements, such as access restrictions, inlet and outlet controls, and increased hygiene standards. Dealers must wear protective clothing and may belong to a risk group.

About concrete Changes should be decided later in the week, said Skvernelis. At the same time considering his government to extend the country-wide Corona-quarantine for two weeks, under which she had provided to the country, initially until Easter.


The Norwegians to follow on their way from the Corona condition, your Scandinavian friends in Denmark and a piece of the car still in addition, Although the kindergartens are only at 20. and the schools up to the fourth class on may 27. April opened, as head of government Erna Solberg (59) announced on Tuesday. But the Plan from Oslo’s a little bit more: For one thing, the Norwegians are already allowed to from 20. April on her beloved cottages to stay, the other is allowed to take from then on, also physiotherapists and psychologists to their work, provided that the corresponding requirements, to Prevent a contagion risk to meet. Hairdressers and skin nurse is allowed to seven days later.

the hope is to bring all students before the summer back in the schools. The borders of the country, meanwhile, remain more closed. Norwegians, the return to their homeland, a long in addition, a further 14 days in quarantine.


In the place of origin of the pandemic, the Central Chinese city of Wuhan, more than two and a half months after the closure on Wednesday, the last movement restrictions for the eleven million inhabitants repealed. The intra-urban traffic is returning to normal, the airport takes its flights back. Cars are allowed to leave the city again and the people with the train departure again – if you are healthy and in a now widely used in China, Corona health App on your phone a green Code can prove. Anyone who has had contact with the Infected, is set automatically in Red and can’t travel.

fever measurements and mouth protection measures continue to remain a part of the Prevention. Kindergartens, schools and universities remain closed.


In Germany, meanwhile, a concept for the gradual Opening up of the country. However, doesn’t want to be Chancellor, Angela Merkel, (65) even at the time. “I would be a bad Chancellor, when I would call a date.” So far, the limitations to the 19th century. April. After that, the retail trade, Restaurants, and schools could be opened as the first in certain regions.


The Federal Council intends to promptly advise and a loosening of the lock downs. To on 16. April to be announced how it goes. To interpret the statements of the health Minister Alain Berset (47) properly, will certainly not begun before the end of April with relaxations.

Daniel Koch from the Swiss Federal office for health wanted to give at the press conference yesterday, Tuesday, still no accurate predictions as to when the measures can be relaxed. This depends on various factors. The decisive factor is the number of hospitalisations, the available beds in the intensive care unit or the data from the Sentinella reporting system and according to Koch, in addition to the new Infections. Such a phase-out in Switzerland could look like. (SDA/man)


The Coronavirus currently holds the world in suspense. Many countries are taking measures such as Closing schools or limiting public events, to prevent the spread. In Switzerland, too, the grass, the Virus magnetized. All of the current information and Figures around the topic there is in the Coronavirus-Ticker.

protection against Coronavirus

recommendations of the Federal office for health, how you can protect yourself:


wash your hands: Wash your hands regularly with soap and water or use a Hand sanitizer. Don’t sneeze, you Sneeze into the hands, or cough in a handkerchief; or if you have none, in the bend of your elbow. Handkerchiefs to dispose of properly: paper towels, should be disposed of after use in a closed waste bin. You stay in fever and cough necessarily at home.

contact minimize

Stay home and avoid wherever possible contact with people. You go only in the following exceptional situations, out of the house: the food doctor shopping or pharmacy visit / the home office is for your job not possible / you have to help other people. You keep if possible 2 meters distance to your fellow human beings, for example, in a line or at meetings. Avoid contact with people breathing or have a cough. You avoid public transport. You can be all that is possible to home deliver. Important: No welcome kiss, no hugs, no shaking hands.

stay Informed

Note the local instructions and recommendations. Strictly to the rules and announcements of the authorities. Infoline Coronavirus: 058 463 00 00, 24 hours a day available Info-page of the BAG: bag-coronavirus.

when should the ch one to the doctor?

do not Go out in the symptoms (difficulty breathing, cough, or fever) in the Public and contact you immediately – first by phone, a Doctor, a doctor or a health care facility.


remains The Situation until Further notice. The Federal government informed in regular intervals about the current developments. It applies now more than ever: peace and quiet preserved, and the thing in common to serve.