Easter is coming and many people in Bavaria are confused. “A pandemic knows no holidays,” said German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) last week. The strict output constraints for the containment of Coronavirus is still valid. What is allowed to be Easter in Bavaria and what is not? The most important questions and answers in the Overview:

Can I visit my family or to invite me?

The Bavarian Ministry of the interior advises from family visit for Easter in General. Personal contacts to people outside the members of their household are to be kept as low as possible, it is called an Overview and a cozy “tea party” with aunt, Cousins and co. were to fall out of the frame.

however, If parents or grandparents are in need of help at home, a visit is indispensable. In order to protect the elderly loved ones in such a case, the best possible against infection with the Coronavirus, advises the Ministry of the interior, however, to limit these visits “to an absolute Minimum”.

Something else that is in Visit the life partner – an exception of the is. The visits were not limited in time, and also walks are allowed.

children of separated parents living in two households celebrate Easter?

Yes. The Ministry of the interior sees the fulfillment of the custody and visitation rights on the part of both parents as a “valid reason for Leaving the apartment”. Here the Welfare of the children clearly in the first place, so that separated with both parents on Easter could be celebrated.

May I meet me with two or three friends, if we keep the necessary distance?

no. To be neither at home nor Outdoor gatherings with friends currently attached, is it on the part of the Ministry. Here, too, the urgency principle is necessary to avoid contacts to people outside the household in General, as well as possible. Also for children and their playmates, the Visit is prohibited, despite the supposedly boring afternoons at home.

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I Can in my holidays or a second home go?

Here is a clear answer is difficult. Oliver Platzer, spokesman for the interior Ministry, says on dpa request: “Mere trips to a second residence without a valid reason should not take place.” Although there is currently, in the state of any County with a basic visit to a ban. However, the question is crucial, whether a stay in a secondary residence is currently really necessary. In General, the rules for the Visit of second homes are the responsibility of the States.

Should I go for an Easter trip to the Alps or to the lake?

here, Too, a clear answer is difficult. Platzer advises against but urgent of excursions in the surroundings – although they are not strictly forbidden. “We appeal to the people, because we need to protect our forces, which are now used all,” he says.

Josef Klenner, President of the German Alpine Association, warns: “Please do not go in the current Situation in the mountains.” If rescue operations would be necessary to burden you unnecessarily, rescue workers and hospitals. And water sports should be abandoned at present, in order not to take any risk, says Ingo Roeske of the water rescue Bavaria: “We will not be able to comply with in the case of a use of the one and a half meters distance, the works.”

excursions and sports in the Park?

in Principle, Yes. The parks of Schloss Neuschwanstein in the Allgäu, for example, stay over Easter for stroller open, according to the management. However, it is said by the interior Ministry, were activities out there alone, with members of the household or the partner allows.

The assessment, which was Free to be problematic and what is not, at the discretion of the competent police, says Ministry spokesman Platzer. Playing ball with the kids in the Park? “Basically, this is not forbidden,” he says. However, the police may also decide in individual cases, the Play be interrupted, if, for example, is not the necessary distance can be kept, or other people were to do the same in the game.

The same is true for sitting breaks on benches. “Nobody’s going to mind if someone sits on a Park bench,” says Platzer. You should not only linger there for a long time, the prescribed distance and as quickly as possible go further. The have a picnic or barbecue is not allowed, however, in the public space generally.

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allotment gardens opened?

Yes, allotments may be used, according to the Ministry continue. But here, too, the following applies: Only members of the Household must come into the gardens together. Also in the case of entertainment “over the garden fence” were to hold a Meter and a half distance.

motorcycle, or horse riding allowed?

Yes, but with clear limitations. The state government allows sports, walks and exercise in the fresh air, alone or with household members explicitly. But: “This does not mean that it is allowed to do with the Car or the motorcycle, private jaunts,” warns the Ministry of the interior.

errands, and appropriate trips are in order. As a pure leisure tours to have but to under. Also horse owners and riders are expected to to the stable to take care of their animals. Rides are alone or with members of one’s own budget allowed.

Must be the Easter egg hunt in the Green?

Not necessarily, says Werner Kraus of the Munich police. Also, parents without their own garden, in theory, should hide in public parks Easter eggs. “If it’s going to take a walk is possible without that the spacing rules are violated, then Yes.” In order for children to come in contact with others, advises Kraus: “You should choose this year, the bad weather and the Easter eggs in the apartment to hide.”

I Can buy me the Easter walk and ice cream?

Yes. In spite of all the restrictions many open ice-cream parlours sweeten in Bavaria, the Easter days. But the ice cream, the interior advises the Ministry to comply with the Minimum distance of one and a half meters in front of the ice cream shop and while Waiting at the cold counter. “Is it the spit”: the infectiology Lodge of the pale about Spahn-statement, FOCUS Online/Wochit “way Remains for me the spit”: the infectiology Lodge of the pale about Spahn-statement
