It is especially to run silently when you run totakter and firetakter whole life, ” laughs Stu Sømåen. He is co-owner and sales manager in the Eastern Motorservice on the Drevsjø.
He and his brother Gunnar Birkenfeldt to import el-snowmobiles to Norway, and think it will represent something as revolutionary as the electric vehicle.
But is it okay to drive your snowmobile where you want, so long as it does not make noise and emit exhaust?
ORDERED: Ole Hoelsæter, turistvert on the Rondane høyfjellshotell, has already ordered an el-scooter. Here along with Samuel Bruneau by Taiga Motors, Montreal, Canada.
Photo: Even Lusæter / NRK Debate about noise and emissions
Snowmobiles for many years been a source of debate here in the country. There has been broad agreement that nyttekjøring is okay, as in reinsdrift and in the travel and tourism industry.
Pure fornøyelseskjøring on the other hand, has been a stridspunkt.
: it Should be legal to dure inward plateau or mountain on a motor-powered machine, just because you have the desire?
the main arguments against, have been noise, emission of exhaust, and general disturbance of wildlife and peace and quiet in nature. In addition, there have been many skredulykker among snøskuterkjørere, and accidents where the driver has been drinking alcohol.
Snøskuterkjørerne think on their side they engaged in outdoor activities, just as much as those who experience nature with skis on their feet.
charging station: El-snøskuteren be charged in the same way as an electric vehicle. Here is the charging station on tcm in Canada.
Photo: Even Lusæter / NRK Eventually the noise
One amendment in 2015 opened for that the municipalities are able to create their own skuterløyper. A number of municipalities have added to facilitate this.
Municipalities that have established snøscooterløyper
Vestfold and Telemark
Troms and Finnmark
rural areas
the Municipalities of pr. may 2019-lit to be in the process: Stor-Elvdal, Nord-Fron, Nore and Uvdal, Fyresdal, Surnadal, norway, the Highlands, Nærøy, Norway. Leirfjord, Gildeskål, Beiarn, Saltdal, Sørreisa and Balsfjord. Note that the municipalities in Troms and Finnmark may have snøskuterløyper even if they are not on the list. This is because the Nord-Troms and Finnmark had a special arrangement until 2015. Særordningen comes by the side of the new rules that came in 2015 in a transitional period of six years, ie. until 2021.
OWN TRACKS: From 2015, it has been possible for municipalities and create your own snøskuterløyper. The trails can not be added to the protected areas and in national villreinområder. Municipalities must also consider the consequences for reindeer herding and especially pay attention to the important vinterbeiteområder.
Photo: Fredrik Norum / NRK
Sømåen in the south-Eastern Motorservice says that much of the debate has been about noise, and believes that the debate can now be added death.
For the trail network in this Area, for example, this will be perfect. No støyplage longer, ” he says.
He believes elskuteren which has a range of ten miles will be particularly popular for families and people who want out of the trip.
do not Want frislipp
Maren Hersleth Holsen (V), the secretary of state of the Climate and miljødepartementet, greets el-snøskuteren welcome. She thinks it is great with electric vehicles rather than vehicles with fossil fuels.
at the same time she believes that it does not change the rules for snøskuterkjøring.
the Challenge comes the if you want to run el-scooter where one is not allowed to run in the day, ” she says.
GOOD WITH the EL: Maren Hersleth Holsen (V) greet el-skuteren welcome, but don’t want to expand access to and use of the ships.
Photo: Even Lusæter / NRK
She says that it is a good development with respect to emissions and noise. At the same time clarifies that she is not only is why we have the regulations we have today.
She believes that with a scooter, even if it is electric, then you will come further into nature.
It will also be a disturbing element, although it is virtually silent.
– This applies to both bird – and wildlife, and for people who seek tranquility in nature, ” she.
She will have the support of the chairman of the board of The Norwegian trekking association (DNT), Per Hanasand. DNT have in a long time engaged themselves against snøskuterkjøring.
Hanasand think it is good to replace gasoline with electricity, but that skuterkjøring in no way should be let “free”.
– the Snowmobiles have a wide reach, and will disturb the wildlife. It is silent can actually make it more disturbing, for it may come surprising to both people and animals, ” says Hanasand.
the progress party want trial
Terje Halleland, eco-political spokesman of the conservative party, thinks a eldrevet a snowmobile can change the scheme as it is today. He believes that it can bring with it a freer use of the ships.
– We need to start with a trial and see how this can work. Finally, should the municipalities decide for themselves if they open up for a freer use, ” he says.
OPEN: Terje Halleland, eco-political spokesperson of the conservative party, believes elskuteren can lead to a freer use of snowmobiles in Norway.
Photo: Even Lusæter / NRK
Halleland believes people in rural areas are ready for and run more ships.
– Now falls the main arguments of noise and emissions away, ” he says.
He believes that skuterkjøring is another way to experience nature.
He believes this may open up for more use of the ships, both within the fritidskjøring but also related to travel and tourism.