Not part of the Lockdown circuit of the partner, it has a large injury potential. With a shock, suddenly doesn’t seem clear that it belongs to. Allow you so that you, the decision wehmacht your friend.
you can improve the Situation, however, hardly or resolve, if you orientate yourselves to the outside world and see what other couples or what the alleged reason dictated. Because counting to do both.
a Lot of people have started in the last days, to distinguish between Social Distancing and Physical Distancing. So that it arrives at a Distance on physical distance rather than social or even emotional. Well possible that this distinction should also be a topic. Because it makes a difference whether your Partner is in a distance, you tried, otherwise, all the rules of art, to be close to, or if he pulls back on the line.
Nobody denies can be as important and healing touches, especially in difficult times. And Sex is for many people a Central source of close. When you eat you too much in the discussion of these physical aspects of the verb, missed you to talk about how it is the sharing of closeness with you.
the advice
You have a question about the topics of Sex, love and relationship? Write me a Mail on Your Mail goes directly to me and will be treated as confidential.
Depending on how many emails arrive just in the consulting, it may take a while until I can reply to you. I give me trouble to answer all questions.
Your question can be found here in the guide published. the protecting your identity I change the information that would make it possible to identify you clearly.
Describe to me what your Problem is. Write, how it happened and what you tried to do, to change it. Give me also some information about your Person and your current life situation.