For several months, the DEA agent observed various people in the city area of Hamburg. A woman (48) and her husband (52) were in the focus of officials. The Couple lives in Weddingstedt (district of Dithmarschen). On Monday morning, the police enforced a search warrant.

narc discover 939 marijuana plants

In the basement of the house, the officers discovered a large marijuana plantation with a whopping levels of 939 plants in different Growth. This includes professional and high-quality Equipment for rearing, and a five-digit amount – rogue deal of money.

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The couple was arrested. After you have been fingerprinted and photographed, were both in custody.

This article is published was written by Rüdiger Gaertner

*The contribution of “In the vicinity of Hamburg: narc make a huge discovery” of Mopo. Contact with the executives here.
