The government has restricted the amount of loans to defer payments

The government has restricted the amount of loans to defer payments

These amounts come from in order to help the least protected strata of the population, this measure very forward in the regions, explained “RG” in the press service of the Ministry of Finance. “It is important to understand that these concessions are a significant burden on Bank capital, – noted in the Ministry of Finance. – It is impossible to prevent a significant deterioration of the situation in the banking sector”.

the Main part of mortgages existing on the hands of the residents of large cities most affected by the spread of coronavirus infection exceeds the set limit (according to United credit Bureau, the average amount of mortgage loan in 2019 rose to 2.2 million rubles). However, for the postponement of mortgage payments you can use adopted in 2019, the law on mortgage break for them, limiting loan size is 15 million rubles, because the government has not used the right to set a different level.

Photo: iStock Largest banks will begin to issue “zero” credit for the payment of salaries

“as for mortgages, the possible phasing in addressing this issue, the government and the Ministry of Finance consider options”, – told “RG” in the Ministry of Finance, allowing, thus, new measures of support.

the New law is more important for owners of consumer. According to NBCH, their average size in January was 172 thousand (previous year 155 million), and in the two largest Metropolitan areas it is greater than the set threshold for credit holidays (392 thousand in Moscow, 284 thousand in the Moscow region, 278 thousand in St. Petersburg), and in almost all other regions is much smaller (194 thousand in the Leningrad region, 181 thousand in the Tyumen region, etc.).

If the debt is higher than the threshold for consumer loans, this does not mean that the borrower will not be able to get odroCCU of payments upon loss or decrease in earnings. In the presence of proving the loss of income documents, including in the event of prolonged illness, can be carried out restructuring on the conditions of the Bank, the Bank of Russia in March strongly recommended that banks and microfinance organizations to promptly consider and grant such application. If they remain unanswered, it is an occasion to appeal to the Bank of Russia.

More than 27 thousand Russians asked “vacation credit”for coronavirus

before joining the law on credit banks vacations reported multiple increase in the number of requests for restructuring. The ten largest banks from March 20 to April 1, adopted 27 thousand applications in connection with a reduction in income due to coronavirus infection, said the head of the Central Bank Elvira Nabiullina.

For comparison, only VTB under the new law, which entered into force on 3 APR, received more than 700 complaints from customers, including more than 340 mortgage loans, about 230 on cash loans, about 70 to more than 60 car loans and credit cards.

the Main reason for the failure to restructure the borrower can not confirm the documents falling revenues. Sberbank “RG” reported that the supporting documents are not more than 15% of the increased flow of applications for debt restructuring from the borrowers.

under the new law, citizens can file a claim for deferment of payments if their income for the month preceding the application, has decreased by 30% compared to the average monthly income in 2019. Calculation rules this income also set by the government: the lender eliminates two calendar months with the highest and two calendar months with the lowest payments that are received by the borrower in 2019, and then divides the sum of the payments in the remaining months on their number.

Photo: Sergey Fadeichev/TASS Sberbank explained the rules of granting of credit vacation

the government’s decision implies that the Bank itself asks for data on the borrower’s income from the Pension Fund and Federal tax service, and only if the lender is no technical possibility to use the system of interdepartmental electronic interaction, information the borrower must provide himself. They can be not only a certificate from the tax inspection, but the certificate of registration at the labor exchange, sick leave and others. According to the law on the transfer of original documents from the borrower 90 days after the submission of the application.

the Bank will request data about the borrower’s income from the Pension Fund and tax service

“the proposed form of debt restructuring is primarily aimed at the most needy segments of the population, – pays attention the Bank of Russia. – If a citizen is able to service the debt, should keep their right to vacation credit for when they do become necessary.”