It has not snowed more in Tromsø on 20 years

– We have måket enough snow. It was extremely a lot on Sunday. I think I was looking and måket five times, ” says statsmeteorolog Eirik Samuelsen.

This weekend it was reported about the fire weather and good weather in the south of the country. In the north snowed it. Much.

The official measurements show that it came 30 centimeters of new snow in Tromsø this weekend.

But there are local differences. Here where I live, on Kvaløya, came it’s more than that, ” says Samuelsen.

And on the Breivikeidet in Tromsø and it came to 47 inches new snow from Sunday to Monday.

– I have never experienced so much snow in one day, ” says the meteorologist.

EXCITING: Statsmeteorolog Eirik Samuelsen think it is exciting to follow snømengden in the year, although he admits that it is a little in excess much snømåking.

Photo: NRK Smells on the record

Monday is snødybden in Tromsø at 169 centimeters, 13 centimeters away from the level at the same time in the record breaking year in 1997. When it was finally measured 240 centimeters of snow by værvarslinga at the top of the tromsøya island.

Eirik Samuelsen think it takes a bit to break that record.

– Now it gets mildvær, so it will be exciting to see how much of the snow which then disappears. But it comes to new snowfall when the freezer later in the week. The forecasts suggest that there can be the same quantities as in the weekend that was, ” he says.

And already this year’s winter is full of records and nestenrekorder in the north.

Has not been more of 20 years

In addition to snødybden, also measures værvarslinga how much snow that comes every winter. They do that by carrying out their own measurements on how much new snow that settles each day, and put this together.

In Tromsø, it has so far this year reached 653 centimeters of snow. Not since the winter of 1999/2000, there has been more snow at the same time.

the Table shows the most snowy winters in Tromsø since they started to measure the total snømengde in 1988/89.

Also in other places in Northern Norway there has been an unusual amount of snow.

On Ystnes in Finnmark was snødybden of 280 centimetres the 1. april. It is the highest measured at any station Finnmark ever, and the highest snødybden ever measured in the lowland areas in Troms and Finnmark.

In addition, it turned two records in Karasjok and a record in the Outer Holmbukt in Tromsø.

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Tindra is at least brilliant happy with all the snow! ? Just a little heavy to force skavlene to find the ball… ? – – – – – Eng ➡️ Tindra is very happy with all the snow, but it is hard work to find the snowball.. ? – – – – – #tindra #mellomdoodle #tromsø #nrktroms #nrkbjeff #hikingwithdogs #blackdogs #blackdogsofinstagram #tromsolove #ig_nordnorge #utno #yrno #snow #visitnorway #visittromso #tromso #tromsøkommune

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Large variations

another thing that is special about this year’s winter in Northern Norway is the major temperatursvingningene which has been. After each major snowfall it has come mildvær.

– It is not normal with so large troughs in the temperature. It is caused by a special winter in the upper troposphere, the so-called polarvirvelen stays quite stable over the north Pole, and directs the hot air from the east and the cool air from the west across our country, ” he concludes.

As a consequence of the large amounts of snow leave and changes in temperatures, reports the NVE now about significant snøskredfare several places in Norway.

Incremental snøskredfare: Tiril (14) experienced a 40-metre avalanche on close to continue