you’ve been sitting a lot longer at home than many of us: Ex-Miss Switzerland Laetitia Guarino (27) injured in January while skiing, at 6. March was operated by the trained Doctor, finally, in the Lausanne University hospital – her former place of work – on the left knee. “The first few weeks I had severe pain, so I did practically nothing. Now I’m reading books, thinking and watching documentaries on Netflix.” Your goal, however, is clear: as quickly as possible back to the Front.
Until recently, spent Guarino of your time with your parents in Froideville VD, since last weekend she is back home with your treasure, Stefano Iodice (29) and their two cats, Ricky and Madame Prouprou in new castle. “Actually, my recovery time would take six to eight weeks, but I do a lot of Exercises at home, so I can work as quickly as possible,” says the Doctor. “Maybe this week.” For the past six months, the Ex-Miss-Switzerland is working in the surgery of the Pourtalès hospital in neuchâtel, and was previously in Lausanne, VD in case of emergency operates.
Guarino wants stricter measures by the Federal Council
During your absence, you have supported your colleagues on social media. On the Instagram Account “Parolesdedoc” called on the people to remain at home and to support the fight against the Coronavirus. “This epidemic big Worries me. The greatest risk is to have clearly intubated people over 65, but younger people are in intensive care units,” she says. “And we must not forget that there are also people without Covid-19, need of intensive care. The places are limited.”
prescribed by The government restrictions greets you, but Guarino would go even further. “It is difficult to say what is currently the best solution. But I hope that the Federal Council will introduce even stricter rules,” she says. “Of different medical professionals you will hear that many non-system-relevant companies order their employees to still work and not a home office permit. That is irresponsible.” The fear is also that the health system is eventually overloaded. “Even if we have done it for a long time now: It really needs to stay every home. No matter how nice the weather is.”