the two were not allowed to stay because of the Corona of the provisions of actually. The 37-and 54-year-old men were found on Saturday in Wismar in a small garden and due to the Hamburg-based label of your car addressed, the police announced on Sunday. They wanted to do Work in the garden, said the two – which is enough but given the fight of the Corona-pandemic for the stay in MV as the reason. When they were faced with the requirement to leave the state, said the 37-Year-old, he had been drinking alcohol and could not drive. A breath alcohol measurement confirmed this. He received the instruction, after a period of time to the sober will go away, because the second man had no driving licence.

came to the police, however, for the second Time, had been drinking, the 37-Year-old even more. His gait was unsteady and he was 1.16 parts per thousand to several driving unable. A half-bottle of brandy stood at the ready. Both men acted also uncooperative, it was more. On court order the drunk driver was in custody. On Sunday morning, it finally went under escort of the police to the home.
