Workers of supermarkets of Belgium went on strike because of coronavirus

Workers of supermarkets of Belgium went on strike because of coronavirus

according to the Brussels Times, the staff of the local chain stores Carrefour did not come to work last Friday. So that the strike is not impacting on the lives of ordinary Belgians, the strike decided to restrict only the morning hours.

Photo: Gettyimages who: From the coronavirus in the world is dying more and more young people

it is Noted that the trade Union of workers of the local supermarkets pointed to sharply increased in recent days, the flow of customers, which brings a large additional profit to the owners of trading networks. In this regard, forced to work hard on the front lines of the epidemic COVID-2019 sellers require their companies to “show respect and give appropriate compensation”. An additional argument lies in the increased risks of Contracting coronavirus because of the influx of people in grocery stores and low provision of personnel with means of individual protection.

it is reported that the Carrefour management is currently reviewing the submitted request of the Union. Earlier it was reported that similar protests in the network of the Belgian Delhaize grocery stores have forced the management of the company to give the employees a bonus of 500 euros. According to the publication Politico, currently trade unions product line of chain stores of France also consider the possibility of a strike.