That need to be filled on the spread of infection, before the Uk can consider the controlled re-opening, says epidemiologist.

the Uk will hardly be able to relax some of the strict restrictions imposed to curb the spread of the coronavirus, before the end of may.

It says Neil Ferguson, who is one of the uk government’s chief advisors on the field, to the BBC.

He adds that the authorities are currently working on a plan for how to gradually reopen the country.

– We will work towards a situation where we are at the end of may will be able to replace some of the less extensive restrictions, says Neil Ferguson.

– There is a lot of work ahead of us where we need to look at how we can replace some of the very strict rules about social distance with a regime that is based on extensive testing, he adds.

Neil Ferguson stresses that both the curve of the infected and dead in connection with the pandemic must crack, before a partial re-opening might come up.

Preliminary 3605 coronapatienter lost their lives in the Uk. In all 38.168 persons have tested positive, including prime minister Boris Johnson.

the Uk has been shut down in weeks. This means that pubs, restaurants and almost all the shops are closed. At the same time, introduced the prohibition of assemblies.

Graham Medley, another of the uk government’s advisors in the field, fears that the Uk has painted itself into a corner.

This is due to there apparently is no clear plan for how and when the country will initiate a controlled re-opening.

said he Saturday to The Times newspaper.

the Message from the british regeringsrådgivere comes after the Danish prime minister, Mette Frederiksen (S), already on Monday announced that Denmark could face a controlled re-opening after easter.

This assumes, however, that all of the bottles, and the spread of infection to the time is under control.
