Looked like #etisalate the times of Pushkin, Dostoevsky and Chekhov

Looked like #etisalate the times of Pushkin, Dostoevsky and Chekhov

Passion Natalia Goncharova

“In 1830, the arrival of the Supreme court in Moscow… made it the center of fun and festivities. Natalia Goncharova… participated in all the pleasures that greeted the ancient capital Royal of its visitors, and, incidentally, in the gorgeous living pictures, the data of the Moscow Governor-General Dmitry Vladimirovich Golitsyn. The rumor about her success and beauty reached St. Petersburg, where he lived at the time of Pushkin”1.

Photo: instagram.com/theartsmuseum/ Art photo. As museums celebrated the day selfie

indeed, in the magazine “Moscow Telegraph” in 1830 it was reported “among the “living pictures” presented by the current winter have kN. D. V. Golitsyn, was Geranova Dido. The Carthaginian Queen was represented by M. A. Ushakova, Aeneas and ascanius – Prince Dolgorukiy A. S. and A. S. Lanskaya, the sister of Didon – N.N. Goncharova”. In the same room were placed and lithography from paintings by Guerin “Aeneas telling Dido the disasters of Troy”2. A. I. Bulgakov wrote to his brother: “All in awe of the paintings. They were forced to repeat several times. Painting depicting the Dido was gorgeous… a Little Goncharova in the role of Didon’s sister was delicious”3.

so, in 1830, the wife of Pushkin participated in the production of some “living pictures”. What is this “live pictures” as I explain the meaning of this phenomenon encyclopedias?

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Imitation of paintings and sculptures

Encyclopaedic dictionary of Brockhaus-Efron 1894 read: “tableaux (FR. tableaux vivants) – composed of living individuals of the group, written in imitation of paintings or sculptural pieces. Introduced m-me of Genlis, with the help of artists David and Isabey. We have a production of living pictures of famous Makovsky, Jacobi and other”4.

looked like etisalate the times of pushkin dostoevsky and chekhov 3 Expert “homeland” revealed the secret “of the Portrait of an unknown woman in dark blue dress”

the Great Soviet encyclopedia of 1932 reported: “a Living painting, a special kind of theatrical spectacle common in the first half of the nineteenth century, especially in ballet, where the screening of a famous artist played live costumed characters. Along with live painting has evolved and the show of live sculptures (set of sculptural groups on the platform, often rotating), subsequently established in the programs of vaudeville, music hall and contemporary circus…”5.

In the “Explanatory dictionary of Russian language” in 1935 we read: “Live painting – scenic painting without words and movements performed by the appropriate people in the story, the costumes and poses”6.

by B. Murillo. The Annunciation. XVII.

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In the house of Tchaikovsky and Dostoevsky

it is Interesting to trace the history of “tableaux” in Russia since 1830, when it became documented known about this entertainment of our countrymen.

“Live pictures” appeared in the house of the chief of the Kamsko-Votkinsk plant of Ilya Petrovich Tchaikovsky and entered into the everyday life of the Tchaikovsky family “after arriving in the winter of 1847, the eldest daughter of the head of the house – Zinaida enrolled in the Catherine Institute”7.

Photo: RIA Novosti www.ria.ru In “Reapers” by Alexey Venetsianov bright feelings mingled with the dark

In the novel F. M. Dostoevsky “the Brothers Karamazov”, written in 1878-1880., we read: “When I arrived, the schoolgirl…, the whole town have just updated the most notable of our ladies… immediately took part… jokes began, tableaux concocted in favour of governesses”8. Therefore, and in the 1870s the production of “living pictures” was a common thing for a provincial city.

And here is a description of activities in the estate in the Tula province in 1887: “the 15th anniversary of the sisters of the boys decided to put live pictures. ‘ve set the scene about the stay… Sadko in the underwater Kingdom. The birthday girl dressed up sea beautiful Chernava. The role of Sadko played 13-year-old Alesha, king of the sea – older brother, Nicholas… Aunt Pasha sat at the piano. Volodya took up the harp… “And I started to dance king of the sea…, it scoloplos all blue sea… – Alesha recited loudly, striking the strings. And just stood there, raised above the harp arm. Still, as was supposed in a living picture, stood Sonia. Long green dress, a transparent veil of green muslin wraps up the entire figure, CPUsrepent to the floor on the back two bright braids… Froze… Nicholas in the crown, with barks curls and a long beard, the king of the sea… All turned out, as required…”9

N. Bogdanov-Belsky. Reading a newspaper. News from the war. 1905

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Memories of Vera Inber and Anton Chekhov

the Poetess Vera Inber wrote about his childhood mid-1890s: “Miss Dock, clapped his hands: “Children, hurry to the salon! We will be there to arrange living pictures”… “As “living pictures”?” I asked Garik… “It’s a game,’ he replied. Living people stand as still as a painting and admire them…”. We went into the big room… When the curtain flinched, we saw the first “live picture”. It was Yulia in a long dress. On a forehead a wreath in his hands – a basket of flowers. Right and left the two boys in colored Mattaniah struggling puffing out his cheeks, looked at Yulia. “Children,’ said miss Dock, – is flora, the Queen of flowers. Young young people are Marshmallows, warm winds”… flora stood up until not swayed from fatigue, and the youngest of marshmallows almost choked. Then the curtain slowly moved back. Second life picture was even better. The girl in the bonnet with the clutch held out a saucer of milk plush poodle. On the carpet scattered paper snow… “Is at the mercy of the way tobeautiful ladies. It nourishes freezing dog…,” said miss Dock… We were shown third, fourth, fifth living picture. All invited anyone played…”10

Photo: RIA Novosti Why the waves in the painting of Aivazovsky “the Ninth wave” is incorrect

Reading the volume of letters of A. P. Chekhov, we meet in his message as Suvorin dated January 17, 1899: “Here, in Yalta, lives academician Kondakov. Both of us chose the city to the Commission for the device Pushkin celebration… I put a vivid picture – “Again in the homeland.” On the stage of the forgotten HOMESTEAD, landscape, pine… included a figure disguised in a dark room and reading a poem “Again in the homeland.” Give “Duel of Pushkin” – “the living picture”, a copy of the picture, Naumova”11.

And here is a description, referring to 1905, the Action takes place in the village near Saint Petersburg: “Our girls lately… doing live paintings. Actually, all adults do, girls help. All sorts of live pictures and performances making up my mom… In a field by the river is… a barn, there are two rooms: small and large… For summer vacationers razmorozili a big room… With one hand made a platform, on the other side put benches for the spectators… On the platform to pull the wire and it is curtains. When the show starts… the curtain opens and starts live pictures. Live pictures in actual fact dead. I’ve already seen two: “Holiday in Rome” and “underwater Kingdom”. Sat in the front row when they showed “the underwater realm”. The people in the room were full. A long, long time music playing. Then the curtain opens. Top hanging garlands of seaweed. On a gilded throne, uncle Will. In one hand the fork, bothRotie gold ribbon, a Trident, another royally stretched out forward. On his head a Golden crown, and the whole is wrapped in the Royal network… Next to him is an underwater Queen. Also with a Golden crown, all in the grid and a long shirt. On both sides the stones are mermaids: the hair down, dresses a narrow green, with shiny scales and end fish tails… And fish! Fish! These are all our girls. On the heads of the fish mask pinned behind fish tails… Lit Sparkler, everything was green and seemed really under water. Was solubilise the smelly smoke, the curtain closed and the audience shouted, “Encore! Bravo!”… “12.

Photo: RIA Novosti Locate yourself in the picture Repin

one of the concerts held in Ekaterinburg shortly after the February revolution, the audience applause “greeted the appearance on stage of the New municipal theatre of live pictures “Russia under the yoke of the autocracy” and “liberation of Russia”.13

the existence in Russia of living paintings after 1917 very little information. As their “successors” can be considered “sports pyramid”, “blue blouses” and “living Newspapers”, and, perhaps, modern performances and happenings. But this phenomenon of a special kind, which require separate consideration.

Photo: the picture of the XVII century found iPhone

1. Annenkov, P. V. the Materials for a biography of Pushkin. M., 1984. P. 258.
2. Galushko because About one pseudoparticle image caption // Vremennik the Pushkin Commission. L., 1988. Vol. 22. C. 170.
3. Ibid.
4. Encyclopedic dictionary. Publishers Of F. A. Brokgauz, I. A. Efron. T. XI-A. St. Petersburg, 1894. S. 934.
5. The Great Soviet Encyclopedia. M., 1932. T. 25. Stlb. 320.
6. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. / Ed. Ushakov. M., 1935. Vol. 1. Stlb. 865.
7. Belyaev S. When the paintings were alive // Ural. 2017. N 3.
8. Dostoevsky F. M. collected works. L., 1991. T. 9. P. 126.
9. Orenstein A. Signs of the coming spring. M., 1973. Pp. 3-4.
10. Inber, V. Selected works. M., 1958. Vol. 2. P. 284-285.
11. Chekhov, A. P. Coll. Op. M., 1957. Vol. 12. P. 279.
12. Liverovskii A. Swan of the Pacific coast, or the adventures zagalnogo Beck. M., 1984. P. 80-83.
13. Belyaev S. When the paintings were alive.