The former star of the national team of Colombia will hand out a million condoms

The former star of the national team of Colombia will hand out a million condoms

Faustino Asprilla Faustino Asprilla
Photos: vedi sotto. /

Former forward of English “Newcastle” and the national team of Colombia Faustino Asprilla will contribute to the fight against the pandemic COVID-19. Owning a factory for the production of condoms Colombian, will not increase, but rather decrease the prices of products of the enterprise.

Now a Malaysian company Karex Bhd, which produces every fifth condom in the world, suspended its work because of a pandemic of mers in connection with which there is a global shortage of contraceptives.

“Caused by a coronavirus quarantine is bad. I have left the company with a lot of condoms, and I want to help people use them. Because I find it difficult to use them all alone! I’ve got 3 580 000 condoms. We will not be able to produce more, not yet open. To maintain the population, I’m going to give one pack of condoms when you buy three”, – quotes the Daily Mail will Asprilla.

the Footballer spent 57 caps for Colombia, scoring 20 goals. He is a two-time bronze medalist of the America’s Cup and silver medal winner of the Gold Cup CONCACAF. In 1993, Asprilla was the sixth best player in the world by FIFA, and two years later his transfer for 6.7 million pounds, bought Newcastle, reminds Eurosport.