‘I sincerely hope that this is an April fool,’ writes a user into a lookup, which the reality-participant Lenny Pihl Wednesday – 1. april – shared on his Instagram profile, which he has since made private.
In the lookup, as you can see a screenshot of below, should offer 50 cans of snus in a competition, and in its stories advertises he for two types of snusprodukter. Both are tobaksfri, assures Lenny Pihl for the aforementioned uses.
A second use refers to that which is still the addictive substance of nicotine in the products and call advertising for the ‘distasteful’.
B. T. has spoken with Charlotta Pisinger, professor of tobaksforebyggelse at the Center for Clinical Research and Prevention at Bispebjerg and Frederiksberg Hospital, about criticism, and she agrees.
She has in 20 years been conducting research into smoking and public health, and she stresses that although it is not illegal to advertise for tobaksfri snusprodukter in Denmark, it is still problematic:
“I do not understand all that they (influencere, red.) not have some ethical codes for how they behave. For they are the billboards. What will they have hanging on their pillar? Is it okay to sell harmful substances to young people, as they are role models for?” she asks rhetorically.
She stresses that though the products do not contain tobacco, they can still be harmful. Particularly for young people, which is precisely most often are the ones who are the target audience, when influencere advertises.
“Nicotine is not a harmless substance. There is growing evidence that the immature brain takes cognitive damage of nicotine. This means that young people can have poorer learning abilities, behavioral disorders, anxiety and depression,” scratches Charlotta Pisinger up.
She also states that nicotine can have effects on the heart and get the heart rate and blood pressure to rise.
“The worst is, of course, that it is highly addictive. It starts with the fact that it just is fun for parties, but then there it is not long before you become addicted, and then hang you on it for the rest of his life.”
Just with the thought of the consequences think Charlotte Pisinger, Lenny Pihl and others who advertises for snusprodukter – tobaksfrie or not – should think before they thank you yes for such collaborations.
“I think it is incredibly sad that there are some influencere, who does not think about their responsibilities and make themselves some standards, as I will call it.”
B. T. have tried to get a comment from Lenny Pihl, but he did not wish to comment on the matter.