The coronamaatregelen to get an update. Telecomwinkels access for emergency services and any multi-day klasuitstappen at the end of the school year will be suspended.

In the belgian official Gazette published today the final version of the ministerial decree, that is, the measures to be taken against the spread of the corona virus that it contains. In several areas the rules are updated and revised.


up To now, the rule is that funeral ceremonies are only for private, family or group, are allowed to take place. This is to be determined. Funerals should be attended by a maximum of fifteen members. There must be a distance of one meter between all the participants is ensured, and the body of the deceased person does not have to be exposed.


as for marriages, there are clear rules and regulations. That is, only in the presence of the spouses, their witnesses and the registrar or minister of religion. Parents may, therefore, not to the marriage of their children to attend.

Multi-day schooluitstappen.

Schooluitstappen will continue to be impossible, at least until the 19th of april. However, the government has decided that multi-day schooluitstappen this year (to June 30) will not be able to take place.

Telecomwinkels, and shops for medical devices.

The list of stores that are allowed to remain open, such as the food, is rich. Now may also be telecomwinkels are open except for the shops that are just accessories to sell. It can, however, only in case of emergency. There can be only one client can be received, to make an appointment.

Food: no limit on hours).

shopping for medical products can open doors to use in an emergency, a customer at a time, and to make an appointment. The opening hours for food stores are no longer limited to between seven a.m. and ten o’clock in the evening.


so far, the only non-essential travel in Belgium is expressly prohibited. That is, even formally, to travel to the country.

Not for the members of the family.

According to the letter of the previous government’s decision had to be of the household out of even just a few feet away from each other and continue to be. This will now be re-adjusted. When the members of the family go for a walk or a cycle, if they don’t have to keep up.

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see also:

to be EXPLAINED. Therefore, you better stay on your side”, that is quickly spreading to the feline corona virus is
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