More than 400.000 registered as a job seeker

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the Register numbers of so-called “completely vacant” includes both those who are temporarily laid off and those who are unemployed for other reasons or partially available.

Close 9 out of 10 new workers in march, enter permittering as the cause of the that they sign up with Nav.

Although some industries are harder hit by others because of koronatiltakene, while ripple effects in the entire labour market, ” says Nav director.

Photo: Håkon Mosvold Larsen

We have seen a drastic worsening of the labour market in the last month. Very many have been laid off, and there are now over 400,000 people who are registered as job seekers with Nav, ” says the ministry of labour and velferdsdirektør Sigrun Vågeng in a press statement.

According to arbeidsdirektøren have the measures that have shut down parts of Norway, in order to prevent the spread of koronaviruset, hit some groups harder than others.

– We see that the spin-offs affects the whole labour market, and thus the whole of the Norwegian economy hard, says Vågeng.

– Dramatic number

Friday la Nav forward with new figures that show the explosive rise in unemployment in Norway. In the course of march have sum job-seekers increased by 306.000 people.

– This is the dramatic numbers, missing none. We are struck by three things at the same time: the Pandemic has given a very shock in the world economy, the oil price has fallen dramatically and the measures we have introduced to prevent the collapse of the health care system has major financial implications, says the ministry of labour and sosialminister Torbjørn Røe Isaksen (H) to NRK.

He points out at the same time that the laid off employee is still in a business, even if they don’t get to work a limited period of time.

– It means that very many available can have a job to return to when the situation returns to normal and the activity in the community eventually takes up again, says Røe Isaksen.

Arbeidsministeren believe, nevertheless, the situation is difficult for many now:

– the Situation is dramatic for the individual who is being laid off or fired, but also for families and for society as a whole. Therefore, putting the government together with the Parliament in the time of powerful economic measures and forces a number of welfare schemes.

Nav is experiencing tremendous demand Have signed up to helsedugnaden

the Unemployment rate has increased in all age groups and in all counties last month. The increase was largest in Oslo with 13.8 per cent) and lowest in Nordland with 8.5 per cent.

BACKGROUND AS a NURSE: Kirsti Sandvik is pleased to be able to help a hard-pressed health care system in the coming weeks. The stewardess saw that the Norwegian directorate of Health is asking health care providers to opt out.

Photo: Private

the Increase in the completely available has been the highest within the shop and sales activities with 43.000 several in the last month. Travel and transport follows the notch in the heel with 41.000 several registered completely available.

the Lowest is the unemployment rate within the teaching. The airline industry is one of the industries that are hit hard. Kirsti Sandvik is 40 percent laid off from his job as a flight attendant in the Aircraft, but does not rule out that there may be more.

laid off flight attendant: Kirsti Sandvik is partially laid off from the job in Widerøe. This week, she started as a nurse in home care in hjemkommunen Levanger.

Photo: Rita Kleven

She previously worked for nine years as a nurse at the kuvøseavdelinga at the Hospital Levanger. Now the changes she is back to his old uniform in order to be with on the big helsedugnaden.

– I’ve said I’ll help to where it is needed. Now I’m determined to do a job and I think it should go just fine, ” she says.

We do not know how many may be poor and need help. For me, this was an easy choice, ” she says.

Helsediraktoratet impressed

The last time has many done as Sandvik.

– We are the many only in the aviation community who have medical background. And we are many nurses. It is great that we can be used for something. It is just to get on it, ” says Kirsti Sandvik.

the Onset of koronavirus has led to the health service both in hospitals and the municipalities is pressed. The need for healthcare is great.

the ministry of Health encourages health care providers to sign up. To now have 3371 registered, showing fresh figures. Just the last week, it has signed up over 1000 people. The lists are made available to municipalities and health enterprises from Thursday.

In addition, many reported directly to the municipalities.

– We are impressed that so many want to help in this crisis. And with that, we must expect that this is going to last a while, so there will be a demand for more personnel, ” says head of department in the Norwegian directorate of Health, Randi Moen Blame.

Nav: Highest unemployment in Norway since the war Sykdomsfravær with proven or suspected korona33 819 total363 new in dagOppdatert 2. aprilArbeidsledighet in Norway since 3.mars291 483 total142 318 new last ukeOppdatert 24. marsDagpenger by permittering Submitted søknader310 850 total6 713 new in dagOppdatert 2. aprilKilde: Nav

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