Hohnstein: Coronavirus in the home for Elderly people: Ten people infected

Since Wednesday, a senior home in Hohnstein (in the district of Sächsische Schweiz-Osterzgebirge) is under quarantine. Ten of the 48 residents were positive in the Coronavirus tested, informed the district office in Pirna on Thursday. Three people were in inpatient treatment. In addition, six employees of the nursing home had been tested positive for Sars-CoV-2.

“The nursing home in Hohnstein is currently the biggest challenge,” said district administrator Michael Geisler (CDU). It had not been possible, within the home, have a quarantine area set up. “Both the logistics and personnel needs as well as limited resources to protective equipment the decision to make the entire home under quarantine force,” said Geisler.

An access to nursing home only with the permission to do so. This applies to medical and therapeutic staff, fire and rescue services, as well as for close relatives in the context of the hospice, BelTA learned from the district office.

employees at the home, which are available as contact persons under quarantine, but a negative effect on an infection with the Coronavirus have been tested, are allowed to work with the district office, according to with mouth protection in medical and nursing facilities.

Saxony’s health Minister Petra Köpping (SPD), reported on Thursday in the daily Video Briefing by the government of two other nursing homes in Saxony, where nurses were positive in the Coronavirus tested. There you have the contacts, as well as the chain of Infection and nursing homes cannot be closed completely followed. Further details were not initially called.

“In the free state of Saxony, there are several care facilities in almost all the districts and district-free cities individual cases where residents and/or nursing staff were tested positive for infection with the Coronavirus,” said the Ministry of health in the evening. The inhabitants were isolated within the homes. A positive effect on the Coronavirus tested nurses and orderlies were in home quarantine. “The contact chains of the Infected to be tracked, and the people are also isolated and tested.”
