Parents money: Minister for family Affairs, Giffey plans due to crisis, major Changes

Federal Minister for family Affairs, Giffey (SPD) is seeking a Change in the calculation mode. She told the German press Agency. The basis for the amount of the parental allowance, the average net income over the last twelve months prior to the birth is normally. In the case of mothers and fathers, the parents money to apply for now or in the near future, and because of the crisis, a drop in income, should not be included in the corresponding months in the calculation, because that would interfere with the parents ‘ money the amount is negative.

About those and other rules you have already spoken with the countries, said Giffey. Also with the parliamentary groups in the Bundestag she was in conversation, how this could be implemented quickly. “It will clarify in the next few days, which way are we to go in there.”

parents money is to be adapted to conditions in the Corona-crisis

also, adjustments to the parental allowance for mothers and fathers who work in the so-called system-relevant Professions are Planned accordingly. If they are not able to take because of the current situation of your parents money months, you should be able to move. Also, the rules with the partnership bonus, an additional performance to get the mothers and fathers, working at the same time, in order to share the children’s education will be relaxed – could, if part-time is not currently comply with so.

Also of interest: 1. April easier access – Up to 185 Euro per child: The parents on the revision of the children’s award

parents know money mothers and fathers get, if you don’t, or for the time being, want to work after the birth of the child only a little. The state supports this with a minimum of 300 euros and a maximum of 1800 euros per month, depending on the net earnings prior to the birth of the child. The parental allowance is granted for up to 14 months if both participate in the care. The payment duration can also be stretched (elterngeld plus). The monthly payments are smaller. According to the Ministry for family Affairs, the state spends more than seven billion euros.

FOCUS-Online-action #corona care: Germany helps!

The Corona-pandemic restricts the everyday life of the people in Germany. Especially for vulnerable groups such as seniors, everyday tasks are associated with a risk of infection. Therefore, now asked for solidarity! FOCUS Online has therefore launched the campaign “#corona care: Germany helps”. With you! All of the information you find here.

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