The participants of the online trading market complained about the arbitrariness of the regional authorities

The participants of the online trading market complained about the arbitrariness of the regional authorities

the participants of the online trading market has faced major challenges at the regional level: according to them, local authorities stopped the couriers, do not give suppliers access to distribution centers and then close the code (SLR). Association of companies the Internet-trade (AKIT) said at least two of the thousands of cases of interference to the work of couriers and suppliers due to high demand for many categories of goods, including products and appliances. About it writes “Kommersant”.

the participants of the online trading market is concerned about the actions of the regional authorities in the conditions of high alert, and isolation against the background of the pandemic. According to one of them, in some regions in recent days, there have been cases of detention or stoppage of couriers. Trucks suppliers that are at the distribution depots, stop at the boundaries of regions, if they carry non-food items: offline retailers that sell this category, should be suspended while an online retail based on the orders of the government, may continue working, but often appeal to the document remains useless. The most painful such a stop in the South and in the Central Federal district. Business representatives complain about the forced closure of points of issue of orders.

the President of the National Association of remote trade Alexander Ivanov confirms that the problems are resolved by the Ministry of industry and trade just manually through calls to the regional departments of trade. According to the President of AKITA Artem Sokolov, the regions in its own interpretiruya the order of the government dated 27 March, to allow the operation of the remote trade: delivery problems virtually no only in Moscow, Moscow region, Novgorod region and on Chukotka. To avoid interference with couriers and suppliers, is required to adopt for them a single form of pass and clear procedure for obtaining it at the government level, and also RAz to clarify regions of the admissibility of remote Commerce, including non-food items.

With the difficulties encountered and the service of Express delivery: despite the government’s position, in some regions, leave the documents on the necessity of suspension of work, and in Orsk and Belgorod, Izhevsk, Penza, Tyumen on this score were given oral instructions. In Bashkortostan, Udmurtia, Stavropol, Khabarovsk, Novgorod the staff need help on a special form, in the Komi Republic and Saratov is required to obtain a special pass, issued by the regional administration in the Republic of Karelia, Krasnodar, Orenburg it is necessary to apply to the local municipality for inclusion in the lists continuously operating organizations, and in Tuva for long-distance freight drivers must have travel permits. Most regional authorities from the comments on this matter refused.

In St. Petersburg also announced the closure of points of issue of orders. Territorial Manager iGooods in St. Petersburg Alexander Fedorov said that the police and Regardie sometimes stop cars couriers, delivering products, this is mainly in the city of Murino, who is a Governor from 31 March ordered into quarantine. “There were no arrests, stop is for informational purposes ask where to go, check the documents then released,” – said Fedorov.

the Difficulties on the online trading market combined with the increased interest of Russians to the remote ordering of products and food. In March, the search of the delivery of catering companies in Moscow increased by 70%, in Russia – 42%. In February-March in Moscow and St. Petersburg by more than 50% increase in the number of businesses that deliver ready-made meals. The growth of online sales of home appliances, medicines and sporting goods for the house, whereas in most other categories there is a decline to 20%.