In Chechnya curfews due to coronavirus

In Chechnya curfews due to coronavirus

Chechnya has become the first Russian region, where due to the spread of the coronavirus curfews. As announced in his Telegram the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, with 3 APR in all settlements of the Republic from 20:00 to 08:00 and prohibited the movement of pedestrians and vehicles.

in addition, from April 5 to close the entrance to the Republic all modes of transport and limits the arrival of citizens. An exception is made for persons engaged in the delivery of food, medicines and other vital supplies. Residents wishing to return from other regions, it is recommended to do this before the fifth of April.”To curb the coronavirus half-measures impossible. It is important to break the chain of distribution. That’s what we intend to achieve!”, – Kadyrov wrote. According to the portal stopmanager.of the Russian Federation, at the moment in Chechnya, there were 10 cases, one person died, about recovered not reported.

As in many other regions in Chechnya, was previously introduced a state of isolation in which to leave the house only to buy food, medicine or for medical indications. In addition, on the streets there were police patrols, armed polypropylene tubes – a favorite among Chechen security forces weapon for beating detainees. In social networks write that people without masks pulled from cars and beaten with pipes. In Chechnya, as in other Russian regions, masks are not found in the free market, the shortage of acute hospital experience. Residents and doctors of Chechnya offered to sew the mask independently of gauze, arguing that such non-woven products even better.

Since March 29, in Chechnya, prohibit the transportation by public transport or taxi passengers without medical masks and gloves. Drivers should also be wearing masks and gloves, otherwise they face punishment. From private cabs in case of rules violation the vehicle will be seized and sent to the car pound. All visitors to the region are PRoiti a two-week quarantine.

To catch violators joined the fighters, “Kadyrov spetsnaz” – the motorized units of the internal troops of Russia named after the first President of Chechnya. They go to terrible with the included flashing lights and notify drivers about the threat of coronavirus infection and also have checkpoints on the roads.