Brain damage caused by Coronavirus? Neuro-biologist decomposed Lauterbach-statement

“The brain’s performance, not only in the elderly”. With this statement, SPD shocked-health expert Karl Lauterbach, a lot of people. In the corona crisis, the uncertainty is already large, such warnings of the alleged health confuse late effects in addition.

FOCUS Online has with the neuro-Ernst Pöppel biologists talked about, according to Bach’s testimony. The is indignant. Such a Statement should be neither as a scientist nor as a politician to make – because for brain damage caused by the Coronavirus, there is no scientific evidence. Ernst Pöppel

Ernst Pöppel is a neuro-biologist and a medical psychologist at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich. From 1991 to 1992, he was the first Chairman of the German society for Medical psychology. In 2005, he was awarded for his performances with the Bavarian constitutional medal in silver. In 2015, he was elected to the Academia Europaea, the European non-governmental scientific society.

Lauterbach: Permanent brain damage, not only in the Elderly

In the debate to a premature lifting of the contact prohibition in the corona crisis, Karl Lauterbach, told the “Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger”, it was “wrong and misleading”, now on loose thinking. “This is a dangerous trivialisation of the Situation,” the politician and physician.

“If we relax the no-Contact orders now, too soon, and the Virus spread again clenched, are we at the end will be worse off than now.” Instead, the contact prohibitions should apply as long as, “until we can have pressed, the number of new infections on the ground and on the ground.”

Then he led his Argument: A longer artistic here respiration leads in General to serious health damage. “The brain is usually considerably, not only in the elderly, dementia can occur faster.”

The “Passauer Neue Presse” declared health expert also that people need to understand that Covid-19 can not only lead to death. Many of the Survivors would suffer significant disabilities.

He claimed that even young patients may suffer permanent lung damage and, thus, a significant limitation to the quality of life. “Permanent damage is the exception, but occur frequently. Many of the Older, the it survive, will be then a charity case. The muscles and the brain power to be reduced.“ Product recommendation (display)

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neuro-biologist Pöppel: “Lauterbach has worked in brain research no idea”

“This is bullshit”, writes neuroscientist Ernst Pöppel, “Mr. Lauterbach has of brain research, obviously, no idea.” There is no scientific data to permanent brain damage. Also, if a longer period of artificial respiration could have health consequences, would at the present time no statement about the actual consequences of a Covid-19-disease meeting.

“at The present time, is the probability that the brain deteriorates as high as that stays the same or improves – we have explained simply no data” , the neuro-biologist.

With such a Statement now to the Public, is outrageous. “It is fear, pure fear-mongering, which he wears as in the world.” This is something you could not do as a politician. “He should know better”, find another pawn, after all, Lauterbach, himself, was a physician. “Anyone who behaves like this should be a political office.”

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science is not the Political be confused

He put the rush ahead of the SPD politician declared that he wanted to his political opinion under the walls. His claim to receive the output restrictions continue to uphold, strengthen. “But it emphasizes the Scientific, not the Political mistake”, pawn. “And you shall not exploit the science to policy decisions forward. That’s not the point.“

to make Such Statements without being able to this on a solid data base is the result of damage in addition to the science. “We suffer,” stresses pawn.

the Reported corona virus cases in Germany (click on your state)

the long-term consequences on lung and heart possible

to stay Neither brain damage nor to the long-term consequences for the lungs and the heart can meet scientists at the present time, clear statements, and the data is missing. Lung specialists can do the first conjecture in terms of the consequences to the lungs and to the heart, for example, when patients develop a serious inflammation of the lungs.

Corona office hours: here you can Set your question to Covid-19

The number of Corona-ill people increases, the of the questions as well. FOCUS Online has therefore built up a network of experts and answer your questions.

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whether it’s a lung inflammation by Covid-19-triggered disease or not, it can lead to scarring in the lungs, in the worst case, to a pulmonary fibrosis. It is not scarred, only the connective tissue, but also the pulmonary alveoli. The result: patients have long-term impaired lung function, and in particular people with pre-existing medical conditions and smokers may suffer, therefore, long-lasting respiratory problems .

As pulmonologist Michael Barczok to FOCUS Online stressed, is this permanent damage, however, the exception that could mainly claims relating to older people, smokers and other persons from high-risk groups – different from Lauterbach.

  • reading tip: the lung specialist about the long-term consequences: “Are the exception – but possible“

At the flu lungs to see specialist doctors, Infected permanent heart damage suffer, often it comes down to a Myokarditits, an inflammation of the heart. Therefore, the pulmonologist is strongly recommended to remain a Covid-19 infection or the suspicion of it in bed rest. Even those who show no or only mild symptoms, you should make a save and not a Sport.

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