Mishustin said that the new measures to help Russians and business in a pandemic

Mishustin said that the new measures to help Russians and business in a pandemic

the working agenda is still filled with questions to counter the negative impact of infection on the economy and welfare of citizens. On Wednesday, the President signed a package of relevant bills. “Now the government must quickly prepare and adopt regulations that will allow these laws to work in full force – said Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin subordinates. – This should be done as quickly as we made changes to legislation to initiatives of the President”. Will need orders and decrees, affecting different sectors of the economy, the individual documents will be made to the laws on amendments to the Tax code and bankruptcy law. “With the preparation of these documents can not be tightened, – said the Prime Minister. I already gave the order to develop all the regulations in one day and approve them before the end of the week. All the measures outlined by the President, must earn immediately.”

Photo: Alexei Druzhinin/RIA Novosti Vladimir Putin announced the April opening hours

the Number of decisions issued in the Thursday. The government simplifies the procedure of receiving the parent capital, including translating the service into an electronic format. “The processing time will be reduced three times – from one month to ten working days – said Mishustin. – Funds will be transferred twice as fast for five days instead of ten. Matkapital can be used for the construction or reconstruction of dwelling house at garden plot”.

changes in the state program of social support of citizens with children from three to seven years if the income per family member does not exceed the subsistence level. Monthly payment will be not less than half the subsistence minimum of a child in the region. “In total, for these purposes bUdet allocated more than 136 billion rubles, of which nearly $ 105 billion from the Federal budget”, – said the head of the Cabinet.

the Terms of consideration of applications for maternity capital will be reduced from one month to ten working days

Not alone with the circumstances of those Russians who are in the midst of the pandemic of stuck abroad. For their support the government has prepared 500 million rubles. “Primarily the funds will go to paying for their temporary residence on the territory of foreign States, because not all of them can now cope with it on their own,” – said Mishustin. If necessary, they will be extended the validity of documents on which basis they are abroad. The Ministry of foreign Affairs, the Ministry of transport and Rosaviation has previously been instructed to make a clear timetable for the return of its citizens home so that people knew exactly when and what flight they will be able to fly home.

As a coronavirus pandemic would change the world order

To support the economy, the Cabinet of Ministers prepares second package of anti-crisis measures. Meanwhile, small and medium businesses are reserved 2.6 billion rubles for preferential loans for urgent needs. “First and foremost, to pay salaries, to support and sustain employment in the airline industry, tourism, exhibition business, food service, physical education and sport, further education and household services”, – said the Prime Minister. In addition, the reserve Fund is allocated 5 billion rubles for subsidies to banks to defer payments on loans that were previously granted to SMEs. “In the coming six months, the amount of such deferred interest payments for the loans will amount to almost 10 billion rubles. This is a serious burden for credit institutions”, – said the head of the Cabinet.

Large enterprises, critical to the country’s economy, are also under the scrutiny of the authorities, including the military-industrial complex. The government wants to accelerate the deployment of the state defence order by concluding Gascontracto with the only suppliers at the estimated prices. “We also propose to implement an 80% advance of the work at once, abandoning the quarterly advance payments under contracts,” – said the Prime Minister. This will ensure a more orderly loading facilities. In addition, the entire procurement volume of aviation and automotive engineering, for the period up to 2027 can be carried out in a shorter time – until 2024. This count in the government, a positive impact on the profitability of enterprises, and at the same time will provide a quicker supply of equipment. For other sectors of Russian industry calls for an increase to 50 percent the share of paying enterprises performing contracts for the supply of goods, works and services for state needs. Now only provides a 30% advance.


to provide housing For veterans of the great Patriotic war, the government has allocated from its Reserve Fund of more than 350 million rubles. “This also applies to family members of victims, invalids, war participants,” said Mikhail Mishustin.