Sobyanin: throughput mode of transport in Moscow until will not be introduced

Sobyanin: throughput mode of transport in Moscow until will not be introduced

Throughput mode of transport in Moscow until will not be introduced, said Moscow mayor Sergei Sobyanin the Moscow authorities will return to the question of the introduction of gaps in the capital because of the fashion industry, when a bad epidemic situation or event of the increasing number of violations of insulation, said Sobyanin Throughput mode of transport in Moscow until will not be introduced, said Moscow mayor Sergei Sobyanin
the Press service of the Mayor and Moscow Government, the Moscow authorities will return to the question of the introduction of gaps in the capital because of the fashion industry, when a bad epidemic situation or event of the increasing number of violations of insulation, said Sobyanin.
Photo: Julia Ivanko / Press service of the Mayor and Government of Moscow

access mode of transport in Moscow until will not be introduced, said Moscow mayor Sergei Sobyanin, RIA “Novosti”.

“a Huge number of questions arose in connection with the planned introduction of passes to get around the city. The experience of the first non-working week have shown that while this is not necessary,” wrote the mayor in his blog.

in addition, the Muscovites showed responsible citizenship and solidarity in the fight against coronavirus, against total disaster.”I am sincerely grateful. Therefore, in the transmission mode movement in Moscow are not yet entered”, – quotes Agency of the mayor of Moscow.

Moscow authorities will return to the question of the introduction of gaps in the capital because of the fashion industry, when a bad epidemic situation or event of the increasing number of violations of insulation, said Sobyanin. “I’d like to hope that in the end will not happen neither one nor the other”, – said the mayor.

we will Remind, on Sunday evening, March 29, Moscow authorities announced that from March 30 in the city within the framework of the fight against coronavirus introduces a mandatory regime of self-isolation.

In accordance with the decree of the mayor of Moscow to leave the shelter is permitted only in cases of emergency (emergency) medical aid and other direct threats to life and health; travel to work if the citizen is obliged to go; shopping at the nearest running store or pharmacy; walking Pets at a distance not exceeding 100 meters from the residence; the need to take out the trash. Similar measures introduced in the Moscow region.

Thursday, April 2, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced the extension of hours of the period in Russia before April 30.