Trump asks all americans wear a face mask or scarf

This article is over two days old and may contain outdated advice from the authorities regarding the koronasmitten.

Keep yourself updated in The overview, or through the FHIs website.

The new council apply to the entire nation, ” said Trump at a press conference from The white house on the night of Friday Norwegian time.

He said it was not necessary to use the face masks of the type that professionals use, but that a simple face mask or scarf is just as good.

A scarf is actually better, for it is thicker, the president said.

Earlier in the day council New York mayor Bill de Blasio residents of the metropolis to carry a form of face protection to prevent infection, reports Reuters.

Blasio said people should cover their face when they are outdoors and near the other people. The protection need not be a medical face mask, but remove a bandana or similar.

Make it like at home, ” said de Blasio according to CNN.

Not mandatory

The new smittevernrådene from the american smittevernsenteret CDC coming Friday. At the press conference underlined the president that this is a council, and that it is not mandatory to use a mask or a face mask.

His smittevernrådgiver, Dr. Deborah Birx, said the council about the face mask not replace hand washing. But that it comes in addition to careful hand hygiene.

– If one dropper håndvasken, and taking care to face, can munnbindet be a false sense of security, she said.

Dr. Deborah Birx says that all must cooperate and live according to the rules for the virus to be able to be turned back.

Photo: Alex Brandon / AP/NTB Scanpix

the Number of infected americans has long since passed 244.000. Over the 5900 is dead, according to figures from the Johns Hopkins University, who compares the data from health authorities all over the world.

the Virus is registered in all U.s. 50 states, plus five overseas regions, according to the u.s. center for smittevernkontroll, CDC.

Trump enlightened also that he was tested for koronaviruset for the second time in two weeks. Also this time the answer was negative, he said, and held up a letter he said was from the doctor.

NEGATIVE TEST: the President of Donald Trump shows off the letter saying that he tested negative on a new korona-test on Thursday.

Photo: Alex Brandon / AP/NTB Scanpix Discourage cocktailselskaper

Dr. Birx said that americans need to sharpen if it is to avoid to get the same smittevekst as Italy and Spain.

– the Border for accumulations of 10 persons and not applicable families. But that doesn’t mean that dinner parties or cocktailpartyer of 10 people is OK. Here must all take responsibility if we are to change the growth path, she said.

The new council to cover the mouth and nose when you are out in public, is the result of a long process, and is in conflict with previous advice from The white house.

the Change is justified on the grounds that an increasing number of reports suggest that the routine use of surgical masks can help to stop the smittespredningen. This is because the infected who do not have symptoms, easily spread the infection further without being aware of it.

USE a face mask: Suvenirselgeren Julio Saavedra uses gloves and a face mask where he sells souvenirs on Wall street in New York City.

Photo: Richard Drew / AP/NTB Scanpix

Trump reiterated how important it is that everyone follow the advice from the authorities.

– The sacrifices we make in the next four weeks, can save hundreds of american lives. Good hygiene and to stay home is our best weapon, ” he said.

the Lack of masks

There is a great shortage of smittevernutstyr as face masks, face shield, gloves and coats in the united STATES.

Many health professionals have come up with outright nødrop on social media to obtain personal protective equipment.

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At the press conference, it was said that about 19.5 million face masks, 22 million pairs of gloves, 5.2 million visors and 7600 pustemaskiner is ready for dispatch to the states.

Trump defended the initiative

President Trump said that the production of pustemaskiner is increased:

– It is very, very difficult to build respiratorer, very expensive, but we build thousands.

Trump rejected that the federal efforts have been too bad.

We have done an incredibly good job, and sent out a lot of equipment to the states, ” said Trump.

He said that it is delstatenes responsibility to build up kriselagre with medical equipment, and be prepared for such a crisis as this.

– But they have only waited, and now it is empty in the shelves, he said.

– We are not a bestillingssentral, we are a backup solution, ” said Trump about the equipment that is now sent out.

the Criticism of the news is already massive. Several states point out that this is only a drop in the ocean. In Virginia was the need over 2 million face masks, but the state gets only 7 percent of the complaints the democratic kongressmannen Garry Connelly on Twitter.

Loads Twitter content Could not load the content, but you can go to twittermeldingen. 30 million without health insurance

Over 30 million americans are without health insurance, which often is related to the working conditions.

Vice president Mike Pence, who heads the president’s ” against koronaviruset, said that the government on Friday will put forward a solution for these.

– All koronabehandling for patients who are not insured, will be refunded to hospitals, including the testing, he promised.

PUSTEMASKINER: 7600 new respiratorer is ready to be distributed to states that need them, said vice president Mike Pence.

Photo: TOM BURNS / Reuters/NTB Scanpix New krisepakke

There is great concern for the unemployment rate which has skyrocketed. In the course of the last two weeks have 10 million jobs disappeared, according to the New York Times.

finance minister Steven Mnuchin presented more details in a new krisepakke to businesses with under 500 employees. He told among other things that the authorities this time is not going to send out checks in the mail, but will pay the money directly on the account to the companies that apply for and qualify for support. A condition of the federal support, is that the firms retain their employees and do not say them.

We are also working on a solution for cash payments to people, ” said Trump.

temporary solution: A butikkansatt in King of Prussia in Pennsylvania in the united STATES clean the carts while a female customer with a diving mask walks past.

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