The problems of the food industry – and what can help

A spring without asparagus, that would be bitter for some farmers, but in times of Corona-pandemic as a luxury problem. However, it is not just about asparagus and toilet paper: Temporary supply bottlenecks for some products, are not to be excluded in the German food trade in the medium term, depending on how long the crisis lasts.

harvesting is normally by using workers from abroad mastered

The nature is not waiting. If politicians and agricultural officials in the next few days strategies, such as short-term replacement for tens of thousands of seasonal labour forces from Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine and other countries of Eastern Europe to organize, will be harvesting on a portion of the vegetables used in Germany surfaces in this summer of nothing to. Because of the travel restrictions and border controls on entry to Germany is for those people hurdles.

at a time in the contacts is reduced to a Minimum should be to get more than 200,000 workers into the country, some politicians are already wrong. In addition, many of the foreign forces, which otherwise afford each year on German fields, in the vineyards of the Rhine and the Moselle, and on the orchards of hard physical work now hesitate. Part of fear of problems with the return journey.

What are the government and farmers can do about it

In the Union, therefore, there is now the idea to win employees from the catering industry, which are currently to a large part of the unemployed, and asylum seekers for the task. Along with Federal interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU) wants the state of economy Minister Julia Klöckner (CDU), asylum seekers with a ban on employment in the short term to allow working in agriculture.

“come from safe countries of origin such as Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia or Montenegro, and want to contribute getting involved,” the CDU politician. She also pointed to the fact that already many helpers on the platform would have reported. “The rush is huge – over 30,000 listings, it was only in the first five days,” said Klockner.

Internet portal providing harvesters

The mediation portal for harvesters in the Corona-crisis was launched on Tuesday on the website . It should help to replace the Seasonal workers from abroad who are not able to come due to the pandemic in Germany. The Federal state Ministry of economic Affairs supports the Portal. dpa/Andreas Arnold/dpabild Many people have reported after a call to the chamber of agriculture as a harvest helper.

Locally, the desperate farmers to organize themselves in the Internet in order to find temporary employees who are not able to exercise due to the Corona-crisis normal Job. The farmers ‘ Union and the Federal state Ministry of economic Affairs have set up on the Internet for more platforms, so willing to Work and farmers together.

“Now, above all, the farmers are required to take the help,” says Albert Stegemann (CDU), Chairman of the working group food and agriculture in the Union group. Who is currently on short-time work or without a job, could earn something and at the same time, something for the General public to afford.

challenges in logistics and Transport

Recorded delivery chains are partially interrupted. This is either due to the production of certain starting materials, or Were in a highly of the Corona reduces the crisis-affected area or the whole set. Or because there is no one who can transport the goods. Reason: a part of the freight forwarders and drivers, the car in normal times, the load side of Germany to the taxes, comes from Poland and other countries of Eastern Europe. “In our subcontractors, about 20 percent of the drivers are missing currently, the Eastern Europeans who now want to remain with their families, reports Günther Jocher, member of the Board of the logistics company Group7, headquartered in Munich, Germany. Personally, he had understanding, “even if it is aggravated for us by the Situation”.

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Jocher says: “Through the controls, there is in Europe waiting times at the borders from one to two days.” Riders wanted from Italy to Germany, would have to undertake not to stop in Austria. Anyone who wants to get in these times of cargo space, needs to respond flexibly, in part, to other European airports to Dodge. Because there is less overall flights. Passenger flights that carry cargo in the Luggage compartment, are barely on the go. For imports from China, the railway is an Alternative, says the logistics expert. From Shanghai to Duisburg or Hamburg, the 16 to 18 days.

In the past few weeks were missing in the Europe Container. Because in the Phase in which the economy in China was shut down, were blocked from a lot of containers in Chinese ports. As a result, the Container-circuit between China and Europe came to a Halt.

What have the government and the industry do about it

After German Chancellor Angela Merkel last week, had personally turned on, after all the mega-jams as a way to reduce the border to Poland, which were caused by short-term arranged Polish controls. Polish lorry driver, there are now special arrangements if you are travelling back home. You need to travel through Germany is not like other travelers in Poland for 14 days in quarantine.

Federal transport Minister Andreas Scheuer tried together with the länder, since a few days, to win German trucking companies and drivers as a replacement, are normally used for companies on the go, because of the pandemic, currently do not produce. You are now to transport food and other urgently needed goods.

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But there are also other practical problems that truck drivers face. Along the highways, many simple Hotels and rest were the last sites to be closed with toilets and showers. A spokesman for the Autobahn Tank & Rast group on request, check with your own staff the Hygiene of the sanitary facilities and a turn there where it is necessary, additional cleaning companies. “Secondly, we currently control once more of our sites, a toilet and a shower.”

stress test for the trade

Even if a part of the economic life to a standstill – in pharmacies, drugstores and about 30,000 grocery stores, the people working at the moment under tremendous pressure. Drugstores are looking for via Facebook “mini-jobbers” to help empty purchased shelves to replenish. McDonalds employees get at Aldi. The supply is currently secured, the bearing well-filled, “even if perhaps not all varieties of pasta” will be offered, says Christian Cooper, a spokesman for the Federal Association of the German grocery trade (BVLH).

Single products but in lower quantities than in normal times, in part because of the high Corona-infection rates, and output restrictions in certain regions, where food is grown or produced.


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