The crew of a U.S. aircraft carrier to evacuate due to the outbreak of coronavirus

The crew of a U.S. aircraft carrier to evacuate due to the outbreak of coronavirus

Perhaps the General public did not know about the situation on the ship, if the media is not leaked emotional letter to the captain, “Theodore Roosevelt” Brett crozier to his superiors. In four pages he explained the grim situation in the assigned vessel, which carried the service 4800 sailors. It started with isolated cases of infection COVID-19, but a week with a small number of cases rose to 93. In this edition the San Francisco Chronicle cites about 150 and even 200 infected. Shared sleeping cabins and training areas, narrow passages, between decks and compartments give space for the spread of the infection and not allow the crew to observe the full 14-day quarantine in accordance with the requirements of the Center for control and prevention of diseases of the naval forces of the United States. “Sailors don’t have to die. We are not at war”, – wrote pathetically captain, who at one time took an active part in the military operation “desert Storm” in Iraq, and the bombing of Yugoslavia by NATO forces. Recently, as noted by the news Agency Reuters, “Theodore Roosevelt” have shifted the focus of its mission “confrontation with terrorism in the middle East for geopolitical rivalry”, having in mind the containment of China in the region.

At the insistence of the captain of the thousand soldiers with “Theodore Roosevelt” has landed on the Pacific island of GUAM

At the insistence of the captain of the thousand soldiers with “Theodore Roosevelt” has landed on the Pacific island of GUAM (since 1950 he is known, has the status of a self-governing territory of the United States, where is the U.S. naval base APRA Harbor). Just recently, the Pentagon chief mark Esper stated that these measures enough along with sending it to the carrier of additional drugs, tests, medical equipment and personnel. However, yesterday was announced the new decision to evacuate more than 2,700 people. Although captain crozier insisted aboard leaving only a tenth part of the crew, the command of the Pacific fleet to such a radical the measure does not matter. “The ship is the weapons, ammunition, expensive planes, and there is a nuclear reactor. We cannot and will not withdraw all the people,” said Monti.

Photo: REUTERS/MASSIMO PINCA Russians liner Costa Luminosa will be quarantined in Rome

According to him, the moored ship will be full sanitization. However, there is a problem: the naval base of the United States simply will not be able to take such a huge contingent. The Governor of GUAM Lou Leon Guerrero has already agreed to place in local hotels soldiers and officers whose tests COVID-19 gave a negative result. However, their movement on the island will be strictly limited. The news has angered local residents, whose tourist business has suffered because of the epidemic. But the Governor assured them that the doctors will just check American sailors quarantined. If someone finds a coronavirus, patients necessarily transferred to the hospital.