In Moscow’s hands cut hospitalized ex-Senator from Chechnya Umar Dzhabrailov

In Moscow's hands cut hospitalized ex-Senator from Chechnya Umar Dzhabrailov

Umar Dzhabrailov Umar Dzhabrailov
Photo: Andrew Lubimov / AGN “Moscow”

the Metropolitan hospital delivered former Senator from the Chechen Republic and the businessman Umar Dzhabrailov.

Dzhabrailov were taken to the Institute of emergency care named Sklifosovsky. He had cut his hands, said “360,” a source in law enforcement bodies.

As specified telegram channel Mash, Dzhabrailov he cut my arm in one of the rooms of the hotel at Izmailovskoye shosse in Moscow. In this state he saw the driver and called an ambulance. By the time the doctors Dzhabrailov wrapped his wound with a towel and said that was in a state of shock. Now watching him in the practice.

the Millionaire Umar Dzhabrailov, the founder and head of the Association of entrepreneurs for the development of the business patriotism, “Avanti”, a former Senator from Chechnya, a former member of the Russian delegation in the parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.

In 1992 Dzhabrailov established a trading company “Danako”, engaged in the supply of petroleum products. In 1994, together with American businessman Paul Tatum has established a joint venture “Intourist-Redamer Hotel and Business Center”. Two years later, between the founders of the company there was a scandal. Then, in 1996, an American has accused a business partner in your organization attempts on his life.

In November of the same year, Tatum and his crew shot in the underground passage in Moscow. Dzhabrailov denied entry to the US, however, to prove his involvement in the murder could not, Infox reported.

In 1997 Dzhabrailov became adviser to the acting Director General of the hotel complex “Radisson-Withlewanska”. From 2001 to 2004 he was President of the group of companies “Plaza”.

In the early 2000s, Dzhabrailov was also included in the composition of the Board of Directors of “Russian capital” and headed the Board of Directors of the Bank “the First OVK”.

Umar Dzhabrailov participated in the 2000 presidential election in Russia. He took the last, 11th place with 80 thousand votes (0,08%). In 2004 Dzhabrailov became a Senator from Chechnya. Five years later, the Federation Council ahead of schedule stopped its powers. A politician’s personal desire to leave this activity to become an adviser to the Russian presidential aide Sergei Prikhodko, who later became involved in a controversial investigation FBK about his holiday on a yacht with prostitutes.

Dzhabrailov is an honorary member of the Russian Academy of arts, and full member of the Russian Academy of natural Sciences. It is also considered a philanthropist.

August 29, 2017 Umar Dzhabrailov was arrested for shooting at the ceiling at the Four Seasons hotel, which is located near the Kremlin. Mash reported that the cause of the fire was the dissatisfaction of the ex-Senator that dinner, he brought a maid, and not a waiter. Arrived on the scene, the police Dzhabrailov said that “not going down without a fight.” But then he let them handcuff.

the Businessman was released on his own recognizance. Dzhabrailov was given various explanations: first they said that shots into the ceiling were random, then told that the management and the hotel security wanted him to survive that allegedly provoked him as “a man shell-shocked”, “combatants” in Chechnya.

Later Dzhabrailov added another explanation to existing accounts of what was shot because of anger at the greedy “Commerce”. According to the former Senator, the shooting was preceded by its conversation with business men that he was asked to help a charity fondu. They refused, although, according to Dzhabrailov, could help a needy organization, as they are billionaires.

the Experts also found out that Dzhabrailov opened fire immediately after he used cocaine.

After the scandal with the shooting Dzhabrailov was expelled from the party “United Russia”.

the Court has appointed the ex-Senator a fine of 500 thousand rubles. The Prosecutor insisted on the penalty of two years imprisonment. Owned by Dzhabrailov premium TT pistol and two shops to him had decided to return to the owner. Asked by journalists whether he intended again to take the gun in his hands, Dzhabrailov said, “Only if it is necessary to protect the Homeland.”