De Bruyne concerned about the sudden start up: All are harmed

It is an unfamiliar situation for a professional footballer to stay indoors every single day.

Manchester City star Kevin De Bruyne is one of them. In the 14 years he has been accustomed to leaving the house each day, but it’s over under the corona-crisis, he says in an interview with Het Laatste Nieuws.

the Time is in fact equal to with many concerns for the 28-year-old midfielder.

He, for example, has been in doubt, whether his own children were affected by the corona virus.

You can see a video of Kevin De Bruyne, who make alternative bentræning with small children further down in the article.

“The most important thing is that everyone is healthy. Although there were symptoms of two weeks ago. The first was the youngest son fell ill, then the oldest and then my wife (Michèle Lacroix, ed.). I don’t know if they had corona, but we isolated ourselves,” explains De Bruyne on the children one and half and four years.

All are now healthy, while Kevin De Bruyne live on in the dark.

The belgian national team as so many others, nothing about when to play a game of football again, and it is difficult compared to the workouts, that should keep the inactive players in form.

Although he swims and runs every day, it is not enough to prepare him to play turneringsfodbold again from one day to the other.

“I have no idea when we’ll play again,” says Kevin De Bruyne and airs his concerns.

the start-up can have serious consequences if not handled properly.

“It is not easy for a player. You have not played in six weeks. Usually one needs to train up in three to four weeks. If we start with the same thing again, so are all injured after a few matches. It may not be the intention, but there is a lot of money on the game.”

at the same time, the belgian, it would be a shame not to play the season to the end, but he stresses that it must be done, if it can avoid problems in the future. At the time of writing is Manchester City number two in the Premier League.