Dennis Knudsen’s guide: How to you cut yourself during the coronakrisen

Denmark is shut down, you can’t get to the hairdresser, and inspired by Søren Brostrøm considering you now have a self-haircut. How do you ensure that it fairly nicely? Don’t worry, Dennis Knudsen comes to the rescue.

The famous hairdresser and stylist, who himself is a corona-struck and for the time being awaiting the situation in his cottage, has created a guide with the small fifs to if you at home to plan to go in time with the scissors and trimmer.

Dennis Knudsen has an overall message: ‘don’t cut too much of, but just with small adjustments, so it is possible for the hairdressers to correct, when they open up again.’

B. T. gives the word to Dennis Knudsen:

” The klippetekniker, I give here, is only just to rescue the emergency right now. In must finally, be careful not to do damage to your hair, so it becomes too hard for the hairdressers to rectify.”

“Cut your bangs when it is dry. You must take into account that wet hair shrink when it is dry. Red hair down the front of the face, and be careful not to keep it too far out or far down. Pressure it well to the face. Instead of cutting straight across, so it will be crooked, so make small hakkebevægelser, so you avoid to get perfectly straight bangs.”

“If you need to cut yourself around the ears, then take a comb and comb your hair tightly down on the ear, and clip right there, where you think the top of the hair pointing out. There you can get a to help out with the rear.”

“you Have long hair and want to cut the tips, so bring all the hair forward in front. Red down and pull out of the hair a little bit and cut so carefully. The tips are not more than three to four millimeters. It must be cut back, so get a to help and do the same. Avoid bending the head forward or backward, so you get a very uneven edge.”

See more advice in the video at the top where Dennis Knudsen shows his techniques forward.