Laid off employees want to contribute and help companies that are struggling

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– I’m not sick and want to help to keep my place in time, ” says Viktorija Mauvik from Alta.

She is laid off from her job as a waitress.

– I want to be able to contribute to that I have a workplace to go to when all this is over.

My employer is not the only employer with loyal employees who want to set up. But he has not allowed to ask for help, and we are not allowed to help him. If it had been allowed as we had of course lined up.

But instead she sits currently at home with three children. Two in barneskolealder and a year-long. The new life is filled up with homework help and other activities for the whole family, but preferably should Mauvik wish that she could take on the job.

– This is not a vacation. The holiday one has when one has worked for it and earned it.

I’m sitting at home because I have to, ” says Viktorija Mauvik.

Photo: Nina Flage Nilsen / NRK financial support to businesses

Thursday, it became known that the state comes with a kontantstøtteordning to businesses. This support goes out to cover a share of the fixed costs, as businesses struggle to recover because of the strict smitteverntiltak.

In the first draft, businesses can see how much they can expect to get in support. The first payments shall be made as quickly as possible, and a søknadsportal for businesses is scheduled to be up and running from the 17. april.

Read more here: To share out 20 billion in cash

Vegard Berge Uglebakken, entrepreneur and business owner in Alta, is satisfied with the first draft.

It will help those who are hardest hit and I must say that it looks very good for us.

He wants that his laid off employees shall have the law to help keep their own business in the time by to be able to work for free.

Entrepreneur and business owner Vegard Berge Uglebakken had to shut down and lay off all employees.

Photo: Gyda Katrine Hesla / NRK – Consider all of the suggestions

Runar Sjåstad, member of parliament in the Labour party for Finnmark, believes that all proposals must be considered in such an extraordinary situation with koronapandemien.

Runar Sjåstad, member of parliament for the Labour party in the north.

Photo: Anniken Pedersen / NRK

– the Problem today is that you have a need for people at work, so they shall not be laid off. Then shall they the at length of the business. But at the same time, we have a situation where many companies are without earnings, and it is difficult.

– I do not know if it is correct to work for free. But it is certainly not the right to reject any proposal. I believe we should dare to consider everything.

No reason to work for free

the Deputy head of the SV, Torgeir Knag Fylkesnes, believes that there is no reason that employees should be forced to work for free when they receive assistance in the form of cash.

– It has been suggested that the state should contribute up to 90 percent to cover the lost income. When you do not have any income, this will say the large grants from the state. Then it is completely meaningless that one in addition to ask employees to work for free.

On the other hand understand he wanted to Uglebakken.

Torgeir Knag Fylkesnes, deputy chairman of SV.

Photo: Jørn Inge Johansen / NRK

– I understand the bedriftslederen, and this is much due to the fact that the government has been slow to get added compensation for lost income on the table. But now there comes, says Fylkesnes.

NRK have on Thursday attempted to get a comment from the ministry of labour and sosialminister Torbjørn Røe Isaksen, but have not succeeded.

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