Is concerned: Diabetesforbundet want to know why the victims die of korona

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– We are in a special situation, and this duty must be interpreted in the light of this. It must always be seen in the light of the social context that applies, ” says Arne Jensen, secretary general of the Norwegian association of Norwegian editors to NRK.

The latest figures show that 45 people have died of koronaviruset in Norway. 314 persons is hospitalized, while the 4935 is registered infected.

In the cases where people have lost their lives or been treated at the hospital, have it for privacy reasons, not been given information about what underlying diseases the person has had.

It reacts Jensen and Redaktørforeningen on.

– Here we are in a situation where the need for information in the general public is huge. The picture that is drawn is that this affects elderly and vulnerable. Then it is important to know how old those who are admitted is, sykdomsbildet and their condition, ” says Jensen to NRK.

Already the 18. march sent Redaktørforeningen and the Norwegian press association a letter to the ministry of Health where they responded that the health enterprises held back important information about koronasmittede patients, and that the privacy practices different from measures to measures.

we are left AT the Norwegian directorate of HEALTH: The Norwegian redaktørforeningen believe that the health enterprises and the health authorities will interpret the duty of confidentiality and privacy so strictly that people can get a mistaken impression of sykdomsbildet. Secretary general Arne Jensen says that the letter they have sent has not been answered.

Photo: Ragnar Hartvig

In the letter, they argue that the information in many cases is inadequate and that practice is far more restrictive than what they believe is necessary to protect the privacy and confidentiality. The letter has not been answered, and Redaktørforeningen now we are left at the Norwegian directorate of Health.

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Diabetics are among those who authorities have defined to be of high risk.

Secretary general Bjørnar Allgot in Diabetesforbundet says to NRK that the information can secure the population, and that people with diabetes want to know how to relate to the korona and how to fight the infection.

Associated don’t know if diabetics are among those who are severely affected or have died as a result of koronasmitte.

we Know more about who is affected by the disease, so we know more about the risk of serious sykdomsforløp for those who have diabetes, ” he says to NRK.

WANT to KNOW MORE: we Know more about who is affected by the disease, so we know more about the risk of serious sykdomsforløp for those who have diabetes, ” says Bjørnar Allgot in Diabetesforbundet.

Photo: Terje Pedersen / NTB scanpix

Diabetesforbundet says to NRK that they align themselves behind Redaktørforeningens desire for more transparency and believe that transparency around the disease and current tilleggssykdommer can help to limit speculation.

– We believe, therefore, that the central authorities have an important task as the primary source of up to date and nuanced information, in addition to assure the quality of the knowledge which at any time exists. Persons in the risk group will have a great need for advice based on this information, ” says Allgot.

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Johan Torgersen, director in the directorate of Health, says that public health makes to local assessments, among other out from the removals.

He says to NRK that the health information is that underlying diseases are shared because this may increase the risk of identification.

In times of crisis, one should consider carefully before differs from that which applies in the normalsituasjonen – it applies to all procedures and responsibilities in crisis management. This also applies to the obligation of confidentiality which is very fundamental for citizens ‘trust in the health care system,” says Torgersen to NRK.

the Norwegian directorate of HEALTH: Johan Torgersen, director in the directorate of Health, says that public health makes to local assessments, among other out from the removals.

Photo: Terje Pedersen / NTB scanpix

He says further that it also can be created insecurity and uncertainty if the health begins to give way on the principles their.

– But this must be weighed against considerations of the need for transparency and the general public’s need for information now is huge. We can as the pandemic develops also kick us on to more knowledge from international experience and studies, as, for example, says something about that other than the elderly can become seriously ill. This also contributes to the useful and health promoting information to the population.

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