Look in the Virus life: In the Corona test, the tent is a joke against nervousness helps

FOCUS Online : You’re actually a med student, as it has come to this, that you help now, in the Corona-testing centre in Rosenheim?

Cornelia*: A friend of mine is a doctor. Already a few weeks ago he has started his practice on the Corona-situation – say, protective clothing and masks for its employees to provide and to test people for the Virus. As it was then more and more with the Tests, I asked if he could use my support.

FOCUS-Online-action #corona care: Germany helps!

The Corona-pandemic restricts the everyday life of the people in Germany. Especially for vulnerable groups such as seniors, everyday tasks are associated with a risk of infection. Therefore, now asked for solidarity! FOCUS Online has therefore launched the campaign “#corona care: Germany helps”. With you! All of the information you find here.

FOCUS Online Nevertheless, it is the Job, let’s say, a very special. What motivates you?

Cornelia Before the weekend, the quarantine regulations were announced, I thought to myself, what I really want to do the next few weeks. And just sit around for me with my studies, in the current Situation is not an Option. I just think: Who, if not us medical students, to help in a Situation like this? For me personally, it would feel just wrong if I would not react the same way.

What motivates me most right now is the gratitude of the people. It really is amazing how often I get to hear on the day, a short “thank you for your work” or something similar. This means a lot to me.

I just wanted to help. On the first day of the starting restrictions, the idea is then also created a Central Corona test centre in a tent in the Rosenheim building.

FOCUS Online How your work looks because of the day with the patients in the test center?

Cornelia : The Test itself is for the people actually somewhat uncomfortable, because the test result is correct, you have to take a deep throat and nasal swab. That is why it is important for me in the short time I have with patients, so much confidence as possible.

FOCUS Online : How does it look like and how the mood among the patients in a test center?

Cornelia : You realize that the people are a little nervous. But I try to always with a loose spell, or a small joke to alleviate. Most of the laughter and then I know that the Person is at least a little looser. For me, it is of course much easier than if the Patient is tense in front of me sits. I need help I want to help

After that, I’ll explain exactly what I’m going to make and that it can be a little uncomfortable. For the vast majority of that is okay.

FOCUS Online Has changed the mood of the patient in the last time?

Cornelia : Yes, actually. A week ago, the mood at the most was pretty loose. Now, however, many are much more tense, and sometimes annoyed. I think the reason for this is that, in the meantime, the Worries and uncertainties are slightly larger. Not exactly the kind of people I try to take again a bit more of consideration and cheer you up.

FOCUS Online As you must imagine, if you start your day?

Cornelia We arrive at the tent and then once Overalls and protective masks created. Then we pull a visor on, or even chemistry of glasses, so that we are protected in the eyes of the room. And last but not least, we are still a scrub cap and a headband underneath, so that the hair are protected and we can provide as little attack surface as possible, on the could put the HIV Virus.

FOCUS Online And people are already waiting for you?

Cornelia : Yes, people are currently most in a big queue or wait in the car, it goes off. The crowd is already very large.

FOCUS Online The risk of Infection in a test center again is, of course, something greater than somewhere else. There are moments where you Worry about your health doing?

Cornelia Really Worried I’m not, otherwise I would not do this Job also. What is, however, a challenge is the discipline that is necessary to put to the day, when it comes to their own behaviour.

immediately the gloves enough the disinfect switch, as long as a hand, when To put on and take Off the suit and the goggles just inside the touch – All of this is still new and takes getting used to just. The greatest difficulty, however, is not to be in the face. You wouldn’t believe how often you do that as a Reflex. The cost part really Overcome, especially if the nose itches under the mask changes.

(The card for the App User.)

FOCUS Online : What is the impact of living with the Virus and your new Job on your private, are there restrictions?

Cornelia I set my environment to different reactions. Both that the people in my private environment it is good as well, that you want to have no contact, as long as I’m doing the Job, both of which for me is totally fine.

My mother has it included, for example, and would not even come up with the idea, me for it three weeks auszuquartieren, while I’m working there. Nevertheless, we make sure that we allow ourselves to be in the house enough room to get to the rest to minimize the risk of again to.

In the case of my friend, the feelings were mixed, because he currently lives with his parents. That is why we have not taken to us the first week to see how it all goes, I work there. Now but it’s actually not a Problem any more.

What do I have to actually ignore, just a little, is the fact that some people shy away from me slightly. None of it says Yes evil, but many are just cautious or somewhat scared.

*The Name has been changed at the request of the protagonist In the PCP In the