Thomas follows the prime minister’s call in corona-the crisis: ‘It does, of course, evil’

“Hold again with the pink slips.”

It is a message, the prime minister Mette Frederiksen (S), the council has pressed companies across the country to follow in the hard corona-crisis.

One of the companies that follow the call, is Thomas Hansen and his company, Kokkekompagniet.

He has in total sent 11 employees home, but he has not signed a fyreseddel. It comes he does not.

“It may well be 2020 hurts us, but we have spent 20 years building it up here, and we would be sad to see it crumble. We look at it as an investment, so we are ready for the other side.”

“And we have also reassured our staff that no one here is being fired. Unless something happens drastically, such as that we are only allowed to act in and take at the pharmacy, so it is certainly not our intention to fire anyone,” says Thomas Hansen.

More companies are squeezed financially, which among other things has resulted in closures and 37,000 more unemployed since the 9. march. At Kokkekompagniet continued orders to deliver, as 25 per cent. of their delivery to the canteens are still intact. At the same time, has also been available in a take-away service.

It does not, however, at significant financial loss for Thomas Hansen. Only the first week of the corona-the crisis he lost more than 2.3 million crowns as a result of cancellations of events over the country.

Despite the economic situation, all of his former employees wages at the present time.

It is due to, among others, the tripartite agreement, where the state gives the company a salary of 75 percent of the respective employee’s salary.

“We have asked ourselves whether we should shut down completely. But we have looked ourselves in the eyes, and if we keep the pots in time with the torch, and we can, then we come through the year 2020. It (corona, ed.) do of course hurt, and it may well be, we come out with a deficit, but it provides a reassurance for them that are left, that they will not be fired.”

Can guarantee that In the not fire anyone taken the difficult times into consideration?

“When we go into of the tripartite agreement, so we can’t fire. We have also the capacity to. But we also hope that we will soon see the light at the end of the tunnel. For if it lasts a year, then it’s suddenly a different situation. And we relate to the situation right now – but it’s not funny.”

“And after the announcement (from the prime minister, Mette Frederiksen, eds.) yesterday, there is light, and it is music in our ears.”

on Monday heralded Mette Frederiksen, a gradual opening of Denmark after easter.

“If we danes in the next two weeks over easter continues to stand together and keep the distance. And if the numbers remain stable and sound in the next two weeks, so the government will begin a gradual and controlled opening up of our society again after easter,” said Mette Frederiksen.