Olav Thon: – Sliterne should have had more support

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I hope that the measures will help companies, especially the thousands of small businesses that are hit hard and that the jobs their being rescued. To me it looks as if the government could have done more to help those who have struggled through these weeks of crisis, ” says chief executive Olav Thon in the Olav Thon Group to the NRK.

today, the government drafted a package of measures on 20 billion a month to help koronarammede businesses.

– Keeps the wheels in motion

the Olav Thon Group operates many of the country’s largest shopping malls and a hotel chain and a variety of office and utleieeiendommer.

The 96-year-old ceo believes that the government in a greater degree should reward leaders including shops, cafes and hotels that do not have closed business in the last few weeks, but has held out in spite of kundeflukt and declining sales.

– It is thanks to these owners and management in small and medium-sized businesses that reels in the Norwegian society still has gone around, ” says Thon.

I do not think it is correct that sliterne that has bite the teeth together and continued their businesses with less turnover in these troubled times don’t get more support than those who have closed everything and laid off the employees and to cut costs, he adds.

Carl Fredrik Samson fear that he may be punished to stay open.

Carl Fredrik Samson, who leads the filialdriften to bakerikjeden W. B. Samson, is also concerned about this point.

– We who keep the wheels in motion and “only” have a omsetningsnedgang of 60 per cent instead of 100 per cent, risking to be punished through to stay open, ” says Samson to NRK.

Will help the small

– Those who have chosen to drive the business further even though it has not been customers there, falls between two chairs. Those who have closed everything can document their loss better than those who have held out with fewer customers, but with no income, believe Thon.

the Government came on Thursday night with a new krisepakke to the business world where you need to share out 20 billion a month to companies that have lost sales because of the korona.

– the Purpose of this scheme is to help firms that normally are healthy and viable, but which are now hard hit by the virusutbruddet and struggling to make ends meet, said finance minister Jan Tore Sanner (H) at a press conference.

Read also: Koronafrykten fall, shops open again

Will give the tenants exposure

the Government’s latest package of measures to be dealt with in Parliament next Tuesday.

– I hope the politicians will come with better schemes for this group of traders that has held out in spite of declining sales. This group should have more attention, ” says Thon.

Olaf Thon says he even wants to help small businesses who are struggling to survive.

– We need a diversity of businesses and shops, also the shopping malls. Therefore I want to help and give the small shops in the malls that are struggling with further operations a discount on the rent in the time ahead. But such discount will I not give to Wine, the Coop or to the large international chains, ” says Thon.

Thon group will also give the tenants their opportunity to delay payment of rent.

Kontantstøttepakken is intended as a measure to small and medium-sized businesses. About Thon is going to ask for support from some of the government’s krisepakker, he has not taken a position.

Read also: the Government with even more billions to the corporate sector.

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