Finally: two more of the riders, after about a month and a half on the road, at home, after a middle east Tour

Dmitry Strakhov and Igor Boev are free. The Russian riders of the Gazprom-Rusvelo will have the green light got to go home after the outbreak of the corona virus in the middle east for the Tour. They are the ones who are still alive in the Emirates.

SEE ALSO. Fernando Gaviria after a month in quarantine in Abu Dhabi and, finally, to the house

the on the night of the 27th of February, the riders are made up from their bed and arrested in the UAE Tour is a test for the corona virus. Now, if Strakhov and Boev finally made it to the house. For more than a month after the UAE Tour, it was discontinued and the riders, the staff and the journalists were detained in their hotel in Abu Dhabi.

“Once they ve are negative and have been tested, they are in the hospital, one of Abu Dhabi’s desert”, says the team. The two who reside at quarantine, in anticipation of their return to Russia.”

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for More on middle east Tour, the Cure Maximiliano Richeze finally got away from Abu Dhabi, the Italian rider misses birth of daughter… the fact that he’s still in quarantine, about which today hosts may be victim to feline corona virus, the quarantine, based in Abu Dhabi is set to be completed in 14 march, in The vault-journal-of-Victor Campenaerts at the corona hotel in the middle east Tour: “I felt like E. T.”