Covid-19-fell Ill after the infection immune? Expert answers

according to experts, people after recovering from infection with Sars-CoV-2 will likely be immune to the pathogen. As of today, you will know that the person makes after infection with the novel Coronavirus antibody, said the Virologist Melanie Brinkmann, Helmholtz-centre for infection research in Braunschweig and Friedemann Weber, Director of the Institute for Virology at the University of Giessen. It was to be assumed that the protective immunity after infection lasts for one to two years. This assumption is based on the experience with other human coronaviruses.

long-term studies, there is not yet

“in All likelihood, it is after infection with the Sars-CoV-2-Virus at least a couple of years before re-infection and protected,” said the President of the German society for immunology, Thomas Kamradt. Exactly to say this does not leave, however, yet, finally, anti-body Tests would be only just and long-term studies were not yet possible, since the disease is only in the past few months. After all, what do you know of similar viruses, protected the as a reaction from the body formed antibodies against re-infection.

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How long this protection lasts depends Kamradt, according to them, the pace in which the concentration of antibodies in the blood, the so-called anti-body Titer, decreases. The higher the Titer, i.e. the number of antibodies, the stronger the protection. That the in the body produced antibodies against the novel Coronavirus does not protect against re-infection, would be “extremely exceptional,” said Kamradt.

The medical Director of the Institute for laboratory ation medicine at the Marienhospital in Stuttgart, Matthias Orth, that is not yet saved to tell whether the antibodies will protect against re-infection. It is unknown at what concentration of anti-a protection bodies, and as frequently, however, re-infections occur.

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The Corona-pandemic restricts the everyday life of the people in Germany. Especially for vulnerable groups such as seniors, everyday tasks are associated with a risk of infection. Therefore, now asked for solidarity! FOCUS Online has therefore launched the campaign “#corona care: Germany helps”. With you! All of the information you find here.

it is Important to identify a reliable antibody test and test to a wide area

According to Brinkmann and Weber will also be interesting to investigate the antibody Titer of people with different courses of disease. So the question could be clarified whether or not people with severe forms of the disease had ever made antibody – or, in other words: “Was the course as hard, because no antibodies were available?” Similarly, the question could be answered, when, in the course of Infection, specific antibodies are formed.

it is Important for Brinkmann and Weber, to identify a reliable antibody test and test to a wide area. It was important to determine the dark figure of non-scheduled cases. This helps to realize how many people have had the infection already unnoticed, so how much is the basic immunity of the population is now. According to statistical extrapolations need to have about infected, 60 to 70 percent of the population before the pandemic wave of alone – without protective vaccination to a standstill. The Knowledge of a recent infection was also important, to give people with existing immune protection, the “green light” for work, and lifting of the contact reduction.

More of the Coronavirus

The Berlin-based virologist Christian Drosten, according to about ten days after infection with the Coronavirus to the formation of antibodies. On the basis of a blood sample with a particular Test, one could measure whether a Patient has antibodies in the blood, “regardless of whether the had a severe infection or a mild infection or be completely unnoticed infection,” said Drosten in a NDR Podcast last week. The latter antibodies were also positive.

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