Leipzig/Dresden: the state of Italian patients sometimes critical

After the death of a Corona-patient from Italy, Saxony and the other seven Italian patients are in the free state, partly in critical condition. A Patient younger than 40 years, without pre-existing conditions – even in a “life-threatening condition,” said Gerhard Hindricks, Medical Director of the heart center Leipzig, on Thursday. The patients are treated in a total of five hospitals in Saxony. In the night to Wednesday a 57-year-old Patient at the University hospital in Leipzig, died.

It had gone “in the last medical level of escalation,” said Hindricks. The Patient had to be connected therefore to a so-called artificial lungs. “If not, we have no other options,” said the doctor. “I am stunned and also scared,” said Hindricks. The case shows that even younger people can not be sure, to be not of Covid-19 threatened. “We are between Hope and Fear, but confident”, he described the Situation.

The second Patient at the cardiac centre in Leipzig is reported to be older than 70 years and had pre-existing conditions. Initially, his condition was critical, he had developed but “cheaper,” said Hindricks. He was confident that it was going to take for the patients, “a happy ending”, if things developed further.

in the other hospitals in Saxony, the support of the Italian Corona-patients, the situation is serious. Fachkrankenhaus Coswig, a Patient from Italy, is treated in the intensive care unit. He’ll still use a respirator, the Medical Director Jens Kraßler. The condition got stabilized somewhat. Currently, the sleep-inducing medications would be reduced. “The relatives are regularly informed in detail about the condition of our patient by phone”, so Kraßler.

The state of Italian patients at the University hospital in Leipzig, was “serious but stable,” said a hospital spokesperson on Thursday.

To the health of the Italian patients in Dresden wanted to make the hospital for reasons of medical confidentiality, any information. Also in Chemnitz, two patients from Italy treated.

The solidarity and the Cohesion is in many respects useful, Hindricks from the Leipzig heart center. In the treatment of patients from Italy, the physicians have been optimized in Leipzig processes, said Hindricks. “We are not coming at the Moment, still in the steep rise to the challenge, the most severe with an increasing number of sick on us,” he said. In Saxony there were in his estimation, sufficiently intensive capacities.

On Thursday the number of confirmed infections with the Coronavirus in Saxony, according to the health Minister Petra Köpping (SPD) in the case of 2411 cases. 19 infected people had died thus.
