Day-care centres a week closed: Here, parents will be refunded the day-care centre fees


parents should have to pay in the southwest for April no day-care fees, if you take care of your children because of the Coronavirus at home. On cities, municipalities, and churches have agreed. It is a recommendation, not local authorities are legally binding, such as the community day explained.


The SPD parliamentary group would like to get rid of the Corona-crisis, the parents of kindergarten children from the fees. The state government should set up a Fund to reimburse the providers of facilities – municipalities, churches, private providers – the loss of. For the time of the upcoming closures no parental contributions should be fed more, according to a letter from the family policy spokeswoman of the SPD parliamentary group, Doris Rauscher, the Minister of social Affairs Carolina Trautner (CSU). Fees already paid will be refunded.

For the fees, the municipalities and the support of daycare centers in Bavaria are responsible. This should be supported through a special Fund, so Rauschers proposal. The amount of the Fund is impossible to predict, since the cost of the duration of the day-care centre closures depend on, said a spokeswoman of the SPD parliamentary group.


In Berlin, parents pay, in principle, no daycare fees. As the first state in the capital city had abolished the charges in 2018.


Kita-contributions will be refunded to parents who must care for their children due to a closed day-care centres and emergency care can take. In addition, the state of Brandenburg work money pays half of the wage subsidies for parents without day-care in the amount of a Short for up to six weeks.


In Bremen are to be adopted, the parental contributions for day nurseries, day Nurseries and childminders first of all, for the month of April.

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In the state of Hesse are already suspend transferred to individual municipalities, day-care fees for the month of April. So parents, Offenbach and Wiesbaden have to pay for the time being, no daycare fees.


parents in many cities of lower Saxony and the municipalities will probably have to pay for April no day-care contribution. As the state capital and the mayor of the Region of Hannover have agreed to a refund, such as the “Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung” reported.

Therefore, should be reimbursed for the entire month of April, even if the day-care centres as planned on 20. April re-open. Also the mayor of other large cities are planning such a scheme. After the Consideration of the mayor should be compensated for that parents also paid for the month of March-day contributions, although the day-care centres were closed.

North Rhine-Westphalia

parents have to pay in April as a result of the Corona-crisis contributions for day-care centres, day care and Open day schools (OGS). The parents ‘ contributions would be suspended for the month country-wide in NRW, said family Minister Joachim Stamp (FDP). This had been agreed with the national associations of local authorities and schools Minister Yvonne Gebauer (FDP). “This is an important message for all families.”

The day-care centres in North Rhine-Westphalia, together with the schools on the basis of a decree by the state government for the past 16. March closed to slow the spread of the Coronavirus. The outage costs in the case of the parents ‘ contributions to parts of the country and municipalities, according to the Stamp in half. It was not, however, have been possible to adopt the parents ‘ contributions for the second half of March, with retroactive effect. “It will not go completely without sacrifice,” said Stamp. How high is the sum of the failure contributions in April, he could not quantify yet. More to the Coronavirus


First municipalities in Rhineland-Palatinate, a draw will also be no nursery fees for the month of April. The city of Trier has decided to hours of the beginning of the month due to Kita and Hort-contributions from parents for the month of April for the time being to avoid further burdens for affected parents.

Also in Speyer, the parental contributions for day nurseries and Hortbetreu, as well as the food expenses for day care centers a flat rate for all parents whose children are looked after in day – care centres in local or privately funded, initially for a month.


The state government has decided, on the Initiative of the Ministry of education and culture (MBK), the Acquisition of for the month of April is not paid parental contributions for day-care centres and Voluntary all-day schools (FGTS) through the country. If parents are not able to pay in the Corona-crisis financial contributions from parents or want to take the Land for the nursery and FGTS-carrier, the loss of revenue, informed the Ministry of education.

This regulation applies to the parental contributions in the month of April. It also applies to families who use the emergency care claim. All parents should be informed of the day – care centre and FGTS-makers accordingly.


In Saxony is to be returned to the Kita-contributions also, if care of children can not be guaranteed.


After the closure of the day care centers to contain the Coronavirus should have to pay parents for the April no kita contributions. The Prime Minister Reiner Haseloff (CDU), said on Thursday in Magdeburg. The country will recommend the local authorities to charge for the coming month of no posts. In return, the country wants to pay for the failures.


The municipalities in Schleswig-Holstein should receive according to the NDR 50 million euros from the Corona-emergency assistance program in the country. Thus parents should be far refunded the nursery fees for two months.


In the free state of Thuringia parents should be reimbursed the cost of day-care centres, as long as they are closed.

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