Chinese city forbids to eat cats and dogs

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Koronaviruset, which now has sent the world into a helsekrise, was traced back to a food court in the chinese city of Wuhan. There were sold animals that pangoliner, bats, snakes and desmerkatt.

It is thought that the virus infected from the wild animals on the food market to the people and developed into a pandemic.

Chinese authorities have in the end of February, down a temporary ban on the sale of wild animals to prevent new infection.

Now the city of Shenzhen taken the ban a step farther. In addition to ban snakes, lizards and other wild animals, will it from 1. may also be illegal to eat dogs and cats, has long been considered a local specialty, writes the news agency AP.

DINNER: Chinese people eat dog meat festival in Yulin in 2015. Most chinese people today would rather have a dog as a pet than dinner.

Photo: KIM KYUNG-HOON / Reuters The majority of chinese people do not eat dog

In addition to prevent future epidemics, justify government prohibition of it is also, of humanitarian causes.

Dogs and cats have established a much closer relationship to humans as pets than other animals. To prohibit the konsumering of dogs, cats and other animals are common in developed countries and in hong Kong and Taiwan, called it in the reason.

the Ban also answer the claim of a humanitarian civilization, continued the writing.

eating dog is not very prevalent in China today. Most chinese people state that they have never eaten dog meat, and that they did not want to do it, according to the BBC.

Dyrevernsgruppa Humane Society International estimates that around 30 million dogs annually ends up as food in Asia. Around 10 million of these ports according to the dyrevernerne on chinese food supply.

IN a CAGE: An employee in a company, which operates with traditional medicine in China are ready to drain the bile from a bear in a cage.

Photo: STR / AFP Criticizes the use of bjørnegalle to koronapasienter

– There is a growing, urban middle class in China that is opponents. They look like us, and on dogs and cats as pets. China is also under great pressure internationally, ” says Live kleveland also, the head of communication in Dyrevernalliansen to NRK.

She hopes the ban in the great city of Shenzhen to make it easier for other cities to follow suit.

the OPTIMIST: Live kleveland also, communications manager at Dyrevernalliansen, hope the ban in the great city of Shenzhen to make it easier for other cities to also introduce a ban on eating dogs and cats.

Photo: Dyrevernalliansen

The worst thing is not that dogs and cats are eaten, but how they are treated before. It has been filmavsløringer of the animals that are kept in tight cages so they cannot move and that they are being scalded alive. Unspeakable animal cruelty has been documented, ” she says.

Dyreaktivister shelves prohibition, but is critical to that it is still allowed to use wild animals in traditional chinese medicine.

China has approved the use of bile from bears for the treatment of patients who are critically ill of koronaviruset. The medicine has so far not shown to have any effect, writes news agency AFP.

Dyrevernere call the use of bjørnegalle to medicine for both “tragic and ironic”, given that the new koronaviruset probably originated from wild animals.

They point out that the practice of extracting bile from live bears in small cages is very painful for the animals.

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