Monica Mæland: This you are allowed to, and not in the easter

This article is over two days old and may contain outdated advice from the authorities regarding the koronasmitten.

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Just before the entrance to the holy week, the week between palm Sunday and 1. easter Sunday, is it a state of emergency.

the Easter holidays at the cottage or abroad, or plan to collect your entire extended family around langbordet to enjoy this year’s påskelam, is put away.

the Introduction of the much-talked hytteforbudet, who says you can’t sleep in the cabin if it is located in a different municipality than the one you live in, was the nail in the coffin for many.

Now is it specified in the regulation that the ban applies to over easter, to and with 2. easter Sunday 13. april.

You can’t go to the cabin, but campingvogna and the motorhome is allowed – Only good for the health to get out

Nevertheless, stresses the ministry of justice and the beredskapsminister Monica Mæland (H) that it does not necessarily mean that you can’t do something as normal in a very abnormal situation.

Many people have fasting traditions, and many are wondering how koronasituasjonen now affects what is allowed in the easter, ” says Mæland.

Although the skiing at the cottage not being something, it does not mean that you have to stay indoors all the time.

Organized sports are not allowed, but it is allowed to work out, and it is allowed to go for walks both in the city and in the woods and fields. It is only good for your health to get out and be in motion, says Mæland.

It is well known that it is not allowed to sleep in the cabin, but it is allowed to drive for recreation – preferably if you go from where you live. The general advice is still that all unnecessary leisure travel should be avoided.

shops Open

Mæland points out that more deals which normally open, now must be kept closed.

– It applies of course in particular the place with high smittepotensial. Both gyms, cultural events and swimming pools are now closed, ” she says.

But both grocery stores, clothing stores, bookstores and other shops still open. Them one can often seek out, as long as you follow the advice about good hand hygiene, and that one keeps a distance. You may want to take a shopping trip for those who can’t, for the elderly and those who are in at-risk groups, for those who are in quarantine or isolation.

yesterday did Maeland, it is clear that it is allowed to spend påskedager on the lake in the boat, but asks people to be proactive both at sea and on land.

One must try to avoid putting themselves in a situation where you need the help of others. You need to use a little extra healthy turvett now a day, ” she says.

NOT this YEAR: How it looked in the Norefjell Ski centre in the last year. Now the resort is closed to limit the spread of the koronaviruset, and remains closed out the season.

Photo: Halvard Alvik / NTB scanpix Three advice

It’s simply to be extra careful, add Mæland.

– When we are together, we should not be more than five people gathered together, we should keep two meters distance between us, unless it is to talk about the people who live in the same household to normal.

– The most important advice remains: Keep your distance, wash hands frequently and thoroughly and avoid large crowds. If you follow those three tips, so you can do a lot of the people are used to. You can buy food and clothes, go for walks, enjoy the sea, book artisans and redecorate the house, clean, read, keep up with our latest updates and hear on radio and podcast.

Asks the people to avoid to lower your shoulders

In all, the now 47 people died after being infected by the koronaviruset in Norway.

– KEEP OUT! Health minister Bent Tall (H) ask the people still follow the measures and the fit on. – Use the numbers as inspiration to hold onto.

Photo: Lise Åserud / NTB scanpix

A new study shows that increasingly fewer norwegians think of the increased koronasmitte in the time ahead. At the same time has several shops opened again after being closed after the introduction of the strict koronatiltakene.

health minister Bent on High, do not fear that people are taking for easy on care. He asks, however, people use the figures showing that fewer koronasmittede is admitted now, as motivation and not as a reason to lower your shoulders.

The numbers that we present, we must take as an inspiration to hold on and not drop down your shoulders. I think it is positive that people use the shops, but it is extremely important that one keeps a distance, not taking care to face along the way, wash your hands when coming home and so on, ” says High.

– Pass on, but take the positive numbers as an inspiration to endure.

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