Hundreds of koronasmittet in a nursing home in Sweden

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282 people have so far died of the covid-19 in Sweden. The number of swedes confirmed infected with the koronavirus is 5466. 429 of these receive intensive care. Many of them are vulnerable or elderly.

– We are concerned for the group older. The graph starts to go up. Almost half of all cases submitted to intensive care is the elderly. We get signals from above all the Stockholm, but also other parts of the country, that one gets the infection in defer, ” says Anders Tegnell.

According to a survey Sveriges Radio have done, has at least 90 Swedish municipalities, the nursing home, where one either has had covid-19 or the suspicion of it. Statsepidemilogen says the development is “serious”.

– It is enough unfortunately, so we are up on a new level now, ” said Tegnell, when he tells us that Sweden has gotten a hundreds of new cases in the last few days.

Waiting several deaths

According to the statsepidemilogen, it is expected that the number of dead continues to increase, because there are more elderly who are sick.

– It will give great effect on the mortality rate, the load on the intensivkapasiteten and not least the personal suffering.

on Tuesday introduced Sweden, a national ban on visits to nursing homes in an attempt to protect the elderly with weak health from the covid-19.

Tegnell says it is “regrettable” that no one has managed to keep the koronaviruset away from the defer.

According to the statsepidemilogen needed improvement, and that it is up to the regions to investigate why the infection spread to the defer.

Think Sweden achieves flokkimmunitet about a month’s time

On questions about Sweden regrets on the choice of strategy corresponds Tegnell that it is difficult to know what is right and not.

I think most of the country’s authorities do the best they can. There are many forecasts out there, and makes it difficult to know what is right.

Tegnell adds that smittekurven in Sweden is still pretty flat overall, despite the fact that the graph starts to go a little steeper up. To SVT, he says that smittespredningen probably reaches a peak in Sweden in a few weeks.

About a month, I think we are pretty close to a flokkimmunitet, says Tegnell.

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