Privacy in a time of crisis

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The measures we take today will not only affect how the pandemic develops, but also what society we will live in when the disease has raged from itself.

The most important task in the world now is to deal with koronapandemien. It is so important that we put almost everything on pause.

Is it okay that the government collects and analyzes our movement pattern in order to combat the spread of the virus.

the data Inspectorate has rarely had the greater interest of the work. We must continuously decide whether it can retrieve data from cell towers, whether hjemmeundervisningen happens on safe platforms, you can send messages where people are asked to go home from the cabin based on the location data, and whether one can use Skype in the health service. And not the least, if it is fine that the government collects and analyzes our action to combat the spread of the virus.

the Smartphone changes everything

To the difference from the previous pandemisituasjoner have most of the day a smartphone. It means that a majority of the world’s inhabitants at any time carries with him a device that can track users ‘ movements. Precisely, in real time, around the clock.

In addition, the apps can feed the company and authorities with health and statistics that can help to not only register sykdomstilfeller, but also measure how effective smittevernstiltakene that are put in place.

Authorities in many countries, also countries with democratic governance and civil rights, taking now this opportunity is in use.

In these days developed a sporingsapp that detects our movement patterns.

south Korean authorities have introduced a system that sends text messages to all the citizens with detailed information about the infected person’s activity. This is statsfinansierte apps that identifies infected in a kartløsning and monitors the residents in quarantine.

The israeli government has disregarded the parliament and hammered through a measure that allows the intelligence services make use of a monitoring system developed for counter terrorism on the general population.

Both the police and intelligence can now track smittedes movements to break smittekjeder, as well as to make sure that the imposed quarantine to comply with it.

Common to these examples is that authorities exploit the smartphone’s inherent sporingskapasitet and introduces very restrictive monitoring methods. Norway is no exception.

In these days developed a sporingsapp that detects our movement patterns. In normal times this would not have been acceptable. We live, however, not in normal times, we live in a time of crisis.

the App can be a useful tool to save lives, but it is important that there is full transparency about what data is collected and what they are used to.


During a folkehelsekrise have authorities in liberal democracies smittevernlover which makes it possible to implement measures that intervene in what normally would have been protected by the privacy.

The european personvernrådet (EDPB) have emphasized that personvernforordningen (GDPR) do not preclude measures that can combat koronaviruset, but emphasises that the basic rights of citizens must be protected.

the Smartphone can be a very powerful tool in the fight against the virus.

Therefore, we must as a society also in a time characterized by fear and uncertainty, to keep a cool head and evaluate whether or not the inngrepene made can be defended legally , moral and ethical.

Smartphone can be a very powerful tool in the fight against the virus. Since this is the first pandemic in the smartphone era, we must also be honest and say that neither personvernmyndighetene can say exactly where the border between the acceptable and unacceptable runs.

We must therefore ask the same questions that we would otherwise have done. What is the purpose of the measure? What data is collected? How and how long should they be used? Who has access to the data? How is ensured the data so that no unauthorized access? And not least, what happens if the tracking turns out to not have the desired effect?

state of Emergency must not become the new normal

the Right to privacy is a human right that shall give the individual protection against arbitrary intervention from other authorities. In the right to privacy is a requirement that the extent of any intervention shall be in proportion to what you want to achieve.

As Personvernrådet it expresses the measures that are restrictive towards the individual and their right to privacy be necessary, suitable and proportionate. Fighting a pandemic may of course be an example of such a legitimate purpose.

the Restrictive measures should, to the greatest extent possible, be made by the elected officials.

at the same time, it is precisely in crisis situations that we need to be extra careful with what choices we take and do not accept more intrusive monitoring than necessary.

Restrictive measures should, to the greatest extent possible, be made by the elected officials.

the Parliament, not just the ministry, so it’s in the regulation today, should therefore be consulted if there is to be any change in or postponement of the measure.

We accept in a time of crisis measures that we would never accept in a normal situation.

When we slowly, but surely coming back to normaliteten, also the measures are withdrawn. The overall dilemma we face is how best we can fight off the virus without the measures introduced is more restrictive than necessary, and that this is not a new normaltilstand.

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