The veterans urged the Deputy Drachev to leave the post of President of the Russian biathlon Union

The veterans urged the Deputy Drachev to leave the post of President of the Russian biathlon Union

Veterans biathlon, professional coaches and representatives of the judiciary addressed to Vladimir Dracheva with a proposal to voluntarily resign the President of the Union of biathletes of Russia Veterans biathlon, professional coaches and representatives of the judiciary addressed to Vladimir Dracheva with a proposal to voluntarily resign the President of the Russian biathlon Union.
AGN Moscow / Igor Ivanko

Veterans biathlon, professional coaches and representatives of the judiciary addressed to Vladimir Dracheva with a proposal to voluntarily resign the President of the Russian biathlon Union (RBU). The position they outlined in a letter to the head of the RBU and the Deputy of the state Duma.

“the Aim of our treatment is to bring to you the opinion of a considerable part of Russian biathlon family, to lead which was entrusted in may 2018 – quoted by TASS letter. – In our opinion, the trust of the biathlon family you have not lived. For two years, during which you are the head of the biathlon Union of Russia, not only were not fulfilled the promises you declared in his keynote speech at the report-election conference, but also exacerbated the old problems for which you elected to high office”.

the authors of the letter pay attention to several issues that was not resolved Dracevo as President of the RBU. According to them, biathlon, being the most popular of winter sports, for many years, unable to find support for the significant sponsors, while much less popular with fans of sports successfully solve the task of attracting vdebugetnich funds. As a result, the RRF budget for the second year remains a “survival budget” and even at this level lasts only through personal donations, some members of the Board.

Drachevo Also charged with the inability to take quick and proper steps in building relations with the International biathlon Union (IBU), which is still not recovered SBR as a full member of the organization, as well as with the Olympic Committee and the Ministry of sports of Russia. Inside the national team also regularly have conflicts that almost always come out.

the authors of the letter believe that these and other problems set against Drachev a significant part of the biathlon family, which creates an unhealthy working atmosphere.

the Letter was signed by 24 people. Among them two-time Olympic champion Anatoly Alyabyev, the deserved trainer of the USSR and Russia Alexander Privalov, a two-time Olympic champion Viktor Mamatov, a two-time Olympic champion Dmitry Vasilyev, four-time Olympic champion Alexander Tikhonov, the double Olympic champion Anna Bogaliy, the Olympic champion Vladimir Alikin, honored coach of Russia Alexander Kasperovich, two-time Olympic champion Olga Medvedtseva, head coach of the Tyumen region Maksim Kugaevskiy.

Drachev did not intend to leave his post

Vladimir Drachev, whose powers at the helm of the SBR extends from 2018 to 2022, is not going to voluntarily give them up.

“Willing to rejoice failures we always have a lot. Better would have helped, because the success everyone is happy, but as something does not work, then all fade away and say that we are innocent, and blame other people. The only problem that they present, brought no Drachev. On the contrary, the past two years we try to eliminate them,” said Drachev TASS.

“we Have a lot of tasks that you must perform. Work in the Union biAtlantov Russia takes 80% of the time before the next season have much time”, he added.