Doptørke concerns of both the police and drug users

– There is no place to stay. Natthjem, mottakssenter and brukerrom is closed. It is a vicious circle. And when the rods and tightening at the borders, will not substance, say a drug addict Janne Andresen (52).

More violence

Also the police see a negative circle of drug users, because of koronatiltakene. Thousands of heavy drug users don’t get hold of drugs.

– We see, for example, this is already in brugata no. in Oslo, where many drug users gather. They are more aggressive because they don’t get a dose of his. There is dissatisfaction in the community, ” says Håvard Sharma-Sundheim, avsnittsleder for special effort, by etterretningsseksjon the city centre, Oslo police district.

Also in other places in the country confirmed the problems.

Problems for narkonettverkene

– It is basically the positive supply of drugs is going down, but we will be able to get some short-term negative consequences. As the increase in debt collection, violence within the environment, and increased for profit, says the head of intelligence in the Agder police district, ” Winsnes.

a drug addict Janne Andresen has been a drug addict for more than 30 years and now gets written out substituttmedisin for heroin from their doctors, to manage. NRK has been in contact with the Norwegian association for general medicine who say they trust fastlegens medical professional opinion and advises in general primary care physicians to take extra good care of those who need it most now.

the Cause of the doptørken is probably stricter border control against Denmark and Sweden. Both at the border control in london and at Svinesund, confirms the customs for a job.

the customs for a job have greater auditing, both along the sea and landgrensene, ” says Helge Breilid, seksjonssjef for border control in the South region, in the customs for a job.

Photo: Håkon Eliassen / NRK

– I want to believe that those who organize this, and kurerene that are used, have big problems to get into the country now. There are only trailers and goods arriving by ferry now, so I think certainly that it comes into smaller drugs to the country in these times, ” said Helge Breilid, seksjonssjef for border control in the South region, in the customs for a job.

When Sunday comes there is still the 1400-1500 trailers a day to Norway, and therefore, the focus is still great to check great varelaster who can hide the drugs.

– the Drug comes both in cars and in trailers, as here, there is no definitive answer. But it will still be at least as applicable to drug seizures from godstrafikken now, ” said Wenche Fredriksen, chief of the Tolletatens section for border control on Sunday.

rhtv by the border to Sweden. She is the boss in the Tolletatens section for border control on Sunday.

Photo: Mathias Lunde Kristoffersen / NRK “white-collar addicts,”

There are between 10,000 and 15,000 people with heavy substance abuse that is taking injections in the Uk, according to the Association for humane drug policies.

Many of the drug users are located in Oslo, but there are also those who live a more stable and normal life with job and family – and drugs. Also, these have lost their supplies and pulls therefore enter into the cities, believes the association.

the Situation is completely precarious. We have noticed that it starts to become dry, the first in districts, then in medium-sized cities, and now it’s dry in major cities. What we see is that there are a lot of abstinenssituasjoner and very much compensation, by the use of GHB, amphetamines, cocaine, other types of substances, ” says Arild Knutsen in the Association for humane drug policies.

Customs control on transport

the director of public prosecutions has requested a waiver of two months until 1. June for the use and possession of drugs for own use, so that the police should spend their resources on other things.

Tolletatens important task is still to limit the stifle drug supply.

– If it is attempted to smuggle into larger parties with drugs to the country so have the customs for a job much greater overview now. It is easier to get the overview of the traffic stream in to the country now. It is impossible to have control on all the godstrafikken coming in, but we have a fairly large etterretningsapparat up and running. We check what we call the “risikotransport”, those we believe to be most appropriate, ” says Breilid in tollregion the south.