The Moscow city Duma approved fines for violation of the regime of self-isolation

The Moscow city Duma approved fines for violation of the regime of self-isolation

the Moscow city Duma adopted a law introducing administrative liability for citizens, obliged to observe the regime of self-isolation at home or be in hospital Kirill Shields the Moscow city Duma adopted a law introducing administrative liability for citizens, obliged to observe the regime of self-isolation at home or in a hospital
the Moscow city Duma / Vkontakte Cyril Shields
the Moscow city Duma / YouTube

deputies of the Moscow city Duma adopted a law introducing administrative liability for citizens, obliged to observe the regime of self-isolation at home or in a hospital. The decision made by the majority of MPs during an extraordinary meeting of the Moscow city Duma on Wednesday.

Document reglamentary application city surveillance system to identify violators of mandatory quarantine or isolation, reports TASS. According to the text, in the capital Code of administrative offences (Cao) to establish administrative liability for citizens for failure to comply with the requirements of the alert, in particular, the regime of self-isolation, in the form of a fine for individuals in the amount of 4 thousand rubles, and for repeated violation or with the use of traSportage 5 thousand rubles.

As assured in the meeting, the editor of the bill, the Chairman of the Commission of capital Parliament’s security, sport and youth policy Cyril Shields, these measures apply only to those who are obliged to be in isolation because of the infection. According to him, penalties are needed to combat “irresponsible and irresponsible attitude of individual citizens to combat the spread of coronavirus infection”.

Also provides for administrative liability for officials and legal entities for failure to comply with requirements for the temporary suspension of events with the full-time presence of people, work, retail facilities, public catering enterprises, rendering services with a visit to the nationals of such objects and organizations. For officials and individual entrepreneurs the penalty will be 30 to 40 thousand rubles, for legal entities – from 200 to 300 thousand rubles.

“I proceed from the presumption of good faith of the people of our city, and we [the Moscow city Duma] no plan to punish everyone. Moreover, I sincerely will be happy if any penalty will be issued according to the articles of the administrative code of the city. This will mean that all Muscovites have apprehended the seriousness of the threat and together help to combat the coronavirus,” concluded Shields.

the law Also empowered the public enterprises, particularly public order to conduct explanatory conversations with residents about adhering to self-imposed isolation that should act as a measure of prevention of violations of the isolation in the city.

Boards Earlier told TASS that the document regulates the use of surveillance cameras to identify a mass congestion of people and violators of the mandatory quarantine. According to him, the fines through the camera will receive only those who represent a higher obshestvennyYu danger, – that is, those who are infected with coronavirus, is treated at home or in the hospital and broke the rule not to leave the room, went outside, and now represents an increased risk.

According to him, to penalize individuals can only the police and the police transport. The camera will recognize faces is infected with a coronavirus, and if the person who must comply with the quarantine, it will break, it is already a police officer or a police transport will prescribe him the appropriate penalty. Urban cameras will capture a mass congestion of people, which will leave law enforcement officers to conduct explanatory conversations with citizens about the necessity of adherence to isolation in the city.

Shields added that the video Analytics system in Moscow is used in full compliance with Russian legislation. The facial recognition technology is justified from the point of view of article 152.1 of the Civil code, authorizing the use of the image of a citizen without his consent, obtained when recording in places open for free visiting, or on public events in the state, public or other public interests. Protection of the city against the spread of the epidemic belongs to the category of public interests.

Also in the text of the bill States that the detention of a citizen who violated the regime of self-isolation, allow the moving of his personal vehicle if he moved it on a dedicated Parking lot. The storage and return of vehicle owners, representatives of owners or persons in possession of the documents required for the management of this vehicle shall be in accordance with applicable law.

According to the latest data, the world has infected more than 885 thousand, recorded over 44 thousand deaths.

In Russia, according to the Federalth the operational headquarters for the fight against coronavirus, was 2777 infections, recovered 190 people died in 24 patients.