Bastrykin: Drastically reduced the number of arrests at the request of investigators

Bastrykin: Drastically reduced the number of arrests at the request of investigators

Alexander, as the Investigative Committee was under quarantine measures against the coronavirus?

Alexander Bastrykin: Despite the challenging environment, we must continue the core activities associated with the investigation of criminal cases and counter criminal manifestations. As you know, in the public space theme of coronavirus is the most discussed. And some individuals, often deliberately circulate false information. All of this negatively affects citizens. Therefore created a separate working group which is identifying the facts of distribution, including the Internet, and messengers, of false and unverified information on the number of cases of coronavirus in Russia and other false information, contributing to the panic. However, we should remember those who are at particular risk. Therefore, all employees SK of Russia actively support veterans of the great Patriotic war and home front workers and veterans of the investigation, observing precautions. In each area the Agency staff is organized for remote communication with veterans to help in the delivery of essential drugs, food and other assistance.

Photo: Alexander Kryazhev/RIA Novosti SK indicted the owner of “Winter cherry”

We quickly took measures for security. In the first place is the prevention of the spread of the coronavirus among employees and persons with whom they come in contact. To this end, the office organized a permanent monitoring of the health status of employees. Excluded access to the facilities Central office and regional investigatives individuals with signs of acute respiratory viral infections. All students in the educational institutions of the Investigative Committee translated into distance learning.In this situation you need to remain calm and strictly comply with all recommendations of relevant institutions and regulatory acts of authorities.

How do you assess your General state of crime in the country?

Alexander Bastrykin: last year, law enforcement agencies worked in a complicated criminal situation. This is evidenced by the number of registered crimes. It increased by 1.6 percent. There are more than 2 million crimes. But coordinated preventative measures allowed to reduce the most dangerous and violent crime.

Coordinated preventative measures allowed to reduce the most dangerous and violent crime. Including murder

So, almost six percent decrease in the number of rapes. The number of reported murders and the facts of deliberate causing of heavy harm to health, entailed on imprudence death of the victim, has decreased by seven percent.

the Gangster – prison, stumbled – the fine

But the most serious crimes deals with the Investigative Committee. From General figures that apply to your employees?

Alexander Bastrykin: Investigators sent to the court nearly 100 thousand criminal cases (96 of 882) in relation to 107 thousand of the accused. Not staying away from the tragic events in southeastern Ukraine, Investigative Committee in 2014 opened more than 400 criminal cases that are prosecuted 155 persons, including senior officials of the Ministry of defense of Ukraine.

Special attention was paid to the prevention. At one hundred and eleven thousands of criminal cases, the causes and conditions that led to the Commission of crime made representations about their elimination. In the end, to disciplinary liabilitydomain attracted more than 37 thousand officials.

Not just to the law enforcement officers spoke reproaches to the redundancy of punitive measures. That even for minor crimes man is sure to go to jail. That they can object? There are statistics, how many people went to jail after the investigator has completed its work?

Alexander Bastrykin: is Very important to note that almost one and a half times increased number of cases, and more than nine thousand transferred by the investigators to the court for the appointment of the accused a judicial fine. Five percent increase in the number of cases in which at the request of investigators, instead of condemning the applied educational measures to minors.

however, the hardened criminals cannot be tolerated.

Photo: Nikolay Gagarin RF IC became interested in the case about the provision of subsidies to young families in Mordovia

You mean serious criminal groups and their leaders?

Alexander Bastrykin: Fight against organized crime is our primary goal. The results of the investigation to long terms of imprisonment sentenced former leaders and members of organized criminal groups, which for several years made the murder of citizens and entrepreneurs. In TRANS-Baikal region is the so-called “Klyuchevskaya”. In the Tyumen region “Leontief”. In the Saratov region – the gang Klusova.

In Moscow sentenced the leader of the I. Galantseva and members of his gang who committed a number of murders on the territory of the Bryansk, Kaluga and Smolensk regions. In Novosibirsk investigators collected evidence accepted by the court sufficient for sentencing one of the former leaders of the so-called “criminal soothe company Trunova” – A. Radchenko. He was found guilty in the leadership of the structural divisions of criminal community, and also in the murders.

And there are already examples of accountability for the highest rank in the criminal world?

Alexander Bastrykin: it Must be emphasized that introduced in 2019 in the criminal law of Novella that allows you to prosecute leaders of the criminal world for the mere fact of occupying the principal position in the criminal hierarchy, has been implemented. A good example is the investigation of the criminal case against the so-called kingpin Oleg Medvedev (Shishkanov), which established criminal control of Ramensky district of Moscow region.

the Efforts of the investigating authorities in this direction will only grow.

the Bench is not for everyone

ordinary people often talk about your subordinates that they would only close people in the chamber. More or less frequently, the investigators send the suspects into custody? More began to demand the arrest of defendants in criminal cases?

Alexander Bastrykin: the measure of restraint was chosen quite carefully. During the period of investigation were held in custody 20 thousand persons. To be clear, it’s less than 16 percent of the total number of accused. In other cases, the normal course of investigation was provided a more lenient preventive measures.

During the investigation were detained on 20 thousand persons less than 16 percent of the accused. For others used softer measures presidentielle and mansions with the return

You know better than anyone what to catch a bribe taker or the fraudster’s hand, this is often not the most important thing. It is important to repair the damage caused. The damage from individual citizens at the office has long been measured not in millions and billions of rubles or another currency. And as was the case with the compensation?

Alexander Bastrykin:, In close cooperation with the interior Ministry and Federal security service, Federal tax service, Federal financial monitoring serviceOhm and Rosreestr, we have taken effective measures to the maximum compensation so that criminals are unable to enjoy the fruits of their illegal acts.

So, in 2019, the victim recovered more than 50 billion rubles. The arrested property of the accused worth over 55 billion rubles. Agree, this is a considerable sum and a significant contribution to the cause of damages to the state and to restore the property rights of citizens, violated by criminal acts.

it Can be argued that the system of compensation of harm to citizens or the state is successful? Or something still need to improve?

Alexander Bastrykin: In my opinion, to better protect the rights of victims on compensation of the damage caused by the crime, it is necessary to amend article 115 of the code of criminal procedure. It is necessary to secure the opportunity to keep the arrest of the property, when the requirements of the victim found to be justified, but the question about the amount of compensation transferred for consideration in civil proceedings.

bastrykin drastically reduced the number of arrests at the request of investigators 3 Bastrykin: TFR investigating cases of genocide perpetrated by the Nazis

Critics of the investigation has always lacked. One of their most common arguments – a drop in the quality of cases investigated. How would you respond to that? The quality of the investigation has really changed?

Alexander Bastrykin: of Course, because the number of cases returned to court for revision, was reduced by 10 percent. The proportion of such cases from the number submitted to the court amounted to no more than 1.5 percent. We continue to work on this priority area, continuously increasing responsibility for the legality and validity of decisions.

bastrykin drastically reduced the number of arrests at the request of investigators 4At the request of the investigation arestolano the property of defendants in criminal cases to 55 billion rubles. Photo: Alexey Bulatov / “Komsomolskaya Pravda”the case of inheritance

In the news more often began to appear “fresh” investigations into crimes committed decades ago. Why disclosure of crimes of last years has received increased attention?

Alexander Bastrykin: I have already mentioned the importance of crime prevention. But if you are not able to prevent crime, we must ensure the prosecution of the perpetrator, no matter how many years have passed since the tragedy. Taking into account modern criminology in the past year, together with the bodies of inquiry we were able to reveal five and a half thousand crimes of last years. Of these, almost half are serious and particularly serious criminal acts.

among them, 558 murders, 274 fact of deliberate infliction of grievous bodily harm with deadly outcome for the victim, 305 rape and violent acts of a sexual nature, as well as over 1.5 thousand other grave and especially grave crimes. Of course, that all important role in the investigation of such crimes began to play to the genomic expertise.

do You remember most of these cases?

Alexander Bastrykin: Thanks to DNA research revealed a series of rapes of women committed during 1992 in the Irkutsk region. In the Leningrad region detained a man who killed 10-year-old girl in 2011. In the Kaluga region sentenced in respect of Tatarintseva brothers who committed the murder of a student in 2014 and in respect of Korobenkova brothers who committed a murder of a girl in 2016. Sent to court a criminal case against members of the gang Piskareva (Large Dice) involved in the murder of the mayor of Sergiev Posad, Dusko and killing another twenty people.

Bastrykin took control of the investigation into the murder of a family in the Yakutsk

in addition, after 14 years revealed a series of rapes malletthese girls committed in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous district – Yugra. As it turned out with careful analysis of unsolved cases, only discovered the fingerprint of the hand of the offender was not suitable for identification due to the fact that he had violated the rules of the encoding trace. This error is corrected by our forensic investigators. They figured out the villain by installing additional forensic examinations of his or her genetic profile. The offender appeared in court.

in addition, the disclosed crime received public resonance of his defiant insolence – the murder of the investigator of the Moscow region and murder of the head of the centre for combating extremism of the MIA for the Republic of Ingushetia, as well as many other crimes committed in different regions of the country.

When security forces talking about the spread of terrorism and its financing, simply call the numbers. And they are afraid. What kind of data from the Investigative Committee?

Alexander Bastrykin: In 2019, our investigators sent to court 55 criminal cases on extremism and 119 cases of terrorism. The emphasis was on suppression of organized activities, inciting ethnic and religious hatred. Submitted to the court 34 criminal cases about the organisation of extremist community and the activities of extremist organizations. This, by the way, twice more than in 2018.

Consistently overlap the channels of financing of terrorism. In 2019 sent to courts with criminal cases against 45 persons, which is fueled by the money the international terrorist organization.

in addition, our investigative units perform responsible tasks on the territory of the Syrian Arab Republic. Based on the evidence by the prosecution of 10 defendants involved in the murder in Syria of a military pilot Oleg Peshkov. Secured the evidence of shelling with heavy weapons of the Russian hospital in Aleppo.

Note, missing the RebbeNOK

What kind of work did the investigators on the protection of children’s rights?

Alexander Bastrykin: Start with the fact that in 2019 were investigated more than 20 thousand of grave and especially grave crimes committed against children. The court directed more than 11 thousand criminal cases. Us monitores incidents and crimes against children, their disappearance.

Photo: iStock the Investigative Committee identified the regions where most children go missing

How is the search for missing children?

Alexander Bastrykin: Start with digits. In 2019, the investigating authorities received reports on the facts of disappearance 15 493 children. The taken measures almost all of them found in the first hours or days after the disappearance. It’s 99.5 per cent of all missing. In order to improve the efficiency of search on the website of the Investigative Committee created the category of “Attention, the child was gone!”.

how would you rate the help in the search of lost children volunteers? They really help?

Alexander Bastrykin: They give us most powerful aid. Thanks to them, in the Krasnodar region managed to find alive missing 9-year-old girl. In the Omsk region found 3-year-old boy who disappeared from the car when the parents went to pick berries. In the Nizhny Novgorod region discovered a lively 5-year-old girl, who went to the forest for grandma and lost. In the Vologda region mom left 2-letni daughter with young sisters at the Playground and went to a friend’s. A child is missing. Fortunately, thanks to the timely organized search baby found alive.

do you Have an algorithm how to act if the information about the missing child?

Alexander Bastrykin: Without delay organized the departure to the scene, promptly fixed evidence, relevant to full, objective and comprehensive investigation. Measures are being taken to establish a circle of officials, the connivance and inaction which led to the accidents with children.

In 2019 was reduced by one third the number of juvenile victims left without parental care, including children’s homes and boarding schools – one-third. While five percent reduction in the number of children who are victims of crimes committed by relatives and family members. Thanks to comprehensive preventive measures in the five fold decrease in the number of minors in respect of whom committed crimes in the sphere of organization of children’s rest and recuperation.

Photo: Sergey Mikheev/RG working group of the SC will fight the fakes the coronavirus

What you want to say that on all indicators is better?

Alexander Bastrykin: Is true.

Another pressing problem – the provision of housing for orphans. Your Agency is often reported within one region, officials caught for stealing the orphan’s apartments, another developer on the case filed for the construction of a “cardboard” houses, not to live. Something is changing in this area, in addition to the number of prosecutions instituted?

Alexander Bastrykin: Is, you know, tough questions, but they are gradually being solved – in April last year issued an Executive order on measures for providing children-orphans with housing 2019-2021 years.

In turn, the staff of the Investigativetion Committee assisted 423 children’s specialized agencies, which brought more than 20 thousand children. We organized rehabilitation centres and rehabilitation of children affected by armed conflict, children in difficult circumstances.

50 billion roubles – for such an impressive amount recovered damages for victims of crimes. Proactive steps have been taken to the maximum compensation.

One of the most fashionable words is “optimization”. The Investigative Committee also drink? If Yes, as last year reformed your Department?

Alexander Bastrykin: Our work is constantly transformirovalsya based on set before us the government’s task of combating crime. In 2019 continued activities to optimize the system of the Ministry taking into account the nature of the crime calls. The Agency creates all-Russian expert institution of legal expertise for the production of examinations of all types and of any complexity, formed the scientific-technical Council on issues of innovation. The posts of specialists for social research. Created faculty of training of investigators-criminalists. Reduced managerial units through the pooling of investigative units in the far Eastern, Siberian and southern Federal districts.

Productively earned is created in the Main investigation Department of the specialised investigation unit of crimes against minors, according to the investigation of crimes in the medical field, banditry, crimes of past years, the international and Federal wanted. last year established a Department for the investigation of cybercrime and crimes in sphere of high technologies. All this helped to centrally reinforce the priorities of the investigative activities, strengthen the methodological and analytical components.

From the cadets – the sleuth

they Say that you have a very young ofyour not by age, then the age of the employees. How are priorities set in this area?

Alexander Bastrykin: We are actively working on training its own personnel in the Academy of the Investigative Committee of our cadet corps and cadet classes, taking into account the positive experience of educational institutions of the Ministry of defense, MVD, FSB. Created the third cadet corps in Volgograd, and in the current year, it will open the Sevastopol branch of the St. Petersburg cadet corps. In addition, at the end of February in the city of military glory Kronstadt inaugurated cadet classes of the marine direction of the Investigative Committee, which will function on the basis of school No. 425 in the name of academician P. L. Kapitsa.

the Brutal murder of a woman and two girls opened in 15 years

in Addition to Saint-Petersburg on the basis of departmental cadet corps recently opened its first experimental class for the education and upbringing of girls. On the basis of his plan to create a branch of the St. Petersburg cadet corps of the IC of Russia – the boarding of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation. In an experimental 8-m class trained twenty students, most of whom are orphans and left without parental care.

In 2019 in our Moscow and Saint-Petersburg Academy were enrolled 117 children-orphans and children left without parental care. Such children attending military schools and academies of the Department, provided full state support. Scholarship students of the Academies of the Investigative Committee exceeds 16 thousand rubles a month.

we Know that you are very careful not so much to what journalists write about the Investigative Committee, but about which offences we are telling. The investigative Committee today is the only Agency that regularly reports on the inspections on media monitoring.

Alexander Bastrykin: In my opinion journalists have always paid attention to the activities of the Investigative Committee, which undoubtedly has a positive effect on the prevention of crime and helps to shape the climate of confidence to all law enforcement agencies of the country. It should be emphasized that, in turn, in 2019 according to the materials of journalistic investigations and information published in the media, investigators, the Investigative Committee opened more than 400 criminal cases.

Predlojeniyami under the confiscation

Alexander, your subordinates are investigating a particular case, and they are often seen in the so-called gaps in the law. What are your suggestions for changing the existing legislation?

Photo: Alex Maligawa/RIA Novosti SK offers to enter the ultralight aircraft confiscation for violators

Alexander Bastrykin: Conducted in the Investigative Committee’s analysis of the causes of aircraft accidents has shown that we need more details to regulate the legal status of persons, governing ultralight manned aircraft. You need to develop a mechanism of continuous monitoring of aircraft airworthiness and flight operations for private pilots. It’s also possible to increase the size of fines and to impose forfeiture of an aircraft, being an instrument or object of the offence. I emphasise that our proposals were accepted. With the participation of representatives of the Department started work on their implementation in the government of the Russian Federation.

bastrykin drastically reduced the number of arrests at the request of investigators 8 Photo: RIA Novosti