The Russians on quarantine will communicate about health through public services

The Russians on quarantine will communicate about health through public services

the Government is taking active measures to prevent the uncontrolled penetration of imported cases of infection in the country and its further spread among the population. Are finalized the information system, which will keep a record of persons in quarantine to monitor its implementation and to inform the person and the authorities about violations. Every person arriving in Russia, it is already obligated even before border controls to complete on a Single portal of public and municipal services, the special electronic form, which in particular specify the address of residence at the time of quarantine. Finding the address will be tracked by mobile operators, in violation mode, the system will send SMS alert and give a signal to the authorities, including law enforcement. In the system the function of thought of journal keeping. “Citizens who are quarantined will be required upon request from “government Services” to fill in the magazine about health, to confirm their presence at home,” said Mikhail Mishustin.

Photo: Sergey Kuksin/RG Russians urged not to approach each other closer than a meter

Gaining momentum in the testing process of the population. Tests taken across the country. 95 laboratories of Rospotrebnadzor to check more than 20 thousand samples. Since March 19, the work involved laboratory 193 medical associations and in the early days they farmed just over 500 samples, it is now more than 12 thousand a day. Your contributions make a commercial laboratory, where every day can analyze about 2 thousand samples. “Thus, according to Rospotrebnadzor, today in our country is investigated about 36 thousand analysiscall for coronavirus infection, said the head of government. – According to these indicators, we are in the top three world leaders.” All the studies he drew attention made on the domestic test-systems.

these results a special thanks to the leadership of the government was awarded to the staff of the CPS, which is the third month on the job, recalled Mishustin, virtually around the clock.

due To the fact that the work of the registry offices is suspended in certain formats, you need to ensure that their services could be obtained remotely

the Prime Minister also said, and another order addressed to the Ministry of justice. “Due to the fact that the work of the registry offices is suspended in certain formats, you need to ensure that their services could be obtained remotely. Life because of the situation with coronavirus does not stop. People get married and give birth to children, they should be able to register for these events,” – said Mishustin.