Golikova: Russian test COVID-19 can register up to 15 April

Golikova: Russian test COVID-19 can register up to 15 April

“currently, State research center “Vector” of Rospotrebnadzor developed test-system for detection of antibodies in the sera of patients and those who recovered after suffering a new coronavirus, and also for the study of population immunity and effectiveness evaluation for vaccines,” – said Golikova. “Roughly the period of registration of such test systems 10-15 April this year,” she added.

Photo: Alexei Druzhinin / RIA Novosti Putin said about the difficult situation of the coronavirus

She also said that the same research center has developed prototypes of vaccines against coronavirus. “We assume that individual variants of the vaccine-definition of ready medicinal forms and receiving a series of vaccines will be held until may 10,” said Deputy Prime Minister.

Preclinical studies of the vaccine, she said, will be held until June 22. Then will begin a clinical test on 60 volunteers. “We are making every effort to support our scientists, and as quickly as possible, permitting processes, to make the appropriate vaccine,” – said Golikova.

She added that development are not only in the “Vector”, but in the institutions of the Federal medical-biological Agency, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow state University. University.

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