Media: UEFA and the leagues agree – the season is being played

The european football leagues – including the Nhl – will be færdigspillede despite coronakrisen.

‘All parties are completely in line with the English view that the season must be played to completion, regardless of when it is the case.’

How to write Independent with a starting point in the ‘several sources’, that the approach to Wednesday’s videoconferencing between UEFA and each of the leagues in Europe are.

There being added to any talk about voiding fodboldssæsonen 2019-20 is now completely and utterly ‘off the table’. It is no longer an issue for discussion.

And there is not only broad consensus to get the done the national club competitions finished. It also applies to the Champions League and the Europa League.

According to the media, there is now an acceptance of’ that both the CL final and the EL final, however, going to be the game of the empty grandstands, when once they are settled respectively at the Ataturk Stadium in the Turkish Istanbul and the Stadium Energa Gdańsk in Polish Gdańsk.

the Independent writes that there are already established two working groups to find solutions so that the soccer ball can come properly out on the other side of the coronakrisen that has settled over the whole of Europe (except Belarus):

one group should look at the logistical challenges in getting the many battles to complete the game in a society that is violently shut down.

The second group must look at the economic challenges. Everywhere clubs hit hard on the wallet, while the tv companies at the same time has put great pressure on to get the tv-agreements executed.

the Working groups is according to the Independent has been ordered to find ‘creative ways’ to end the season. And again: There is also here a ‘general acceptance’ that the matches must be played without spectators in order to reach your goal.

In essence, the UEFA and the many leagues across Europe according to the English media have come forward to no matter how intricate it will be to get the game finished, then it will still be less complicated than all of the implications of a total cancellation of the 2019-20 season will trigger.

on Wednesday, UEFA and representatives of european leagues will meet again to talk about what should happen with the summer transfervindue and players ‘ contracts, many of whom have expired at the end of June. Potentially seen WITHIN the season can be completed.