Koronamedisin can be ready to use in the summer

Drugs that reduce the likelihood of respiratorbehandling and increases the chances to survive koronaviruset, may be in place soon.

– About three to four months we get – at best – the first signals about the drugs that we test now, have a strong and positive effect. In this case, it means that the doctors can make use of these then.

It says the Norwegian researcher John-Arne Røttingen, which coordinates the global study, to the NRK program “Torp” on Wednesday night.

Everything you need to know about koronaviruset

VISITED the “TORP”: John-Arne Røttingen came with the exciting news when he visited the NRK program “Torp” on Wednesday night.

Tests out malaria – and ebolamedisiner

An international research project in high gear looking for a cure for koronapandemien that threaten people’s lives and health around the globe. The study got started in Norway at the weekend.

the World health organization (WHO) has put the foremost scientists in turn. The goal is to find out which existing drugs against already known diseases – in different compositions – can be effective against koronaviruset.

In the centre of this research stands Røttingen directs the work. He is a doctor and epidemiolog, and managing director in the Research council of norway. 40 countries are already included in the study where, among other things malaria – and ebolamedisiner be tested.

– The fastest way to the goal by a new disease, is to try already-established drugs that have the greatest potential impact. So they must be tested properly through the so-called controlled trials, says Røttingen.

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TESTING: the Image is from testing for koronavirus on Asker and Bærum emergency medical service. Researchers is now examining whether several drugs can increase the chances for survival korona.

Photo: Anders Fehn / NRK Over 20 Norwegian hospitals participating

the academic staff at Oslo university hospital, led by, among others, professor Pål Aukrust, head of the Norwegian part of the study that takes place in over 20 Norwegian hospitals now.

It is already known that the hospital has tested malariamedisiner on koronapasienter. It should be in the førsteomgang tested the two drugs against koronaviruset in Norway. It is malariamiddelet hydroxyklorokin/Plaquenil and ebola-drug Remdesivir.

– An independent committee will monitor the data continuously, and be able to see whether they have any effects. About three months we might be able to get the first signal of whether a drug has efficacy or whether it should be dropped, says Røttingen.

the Study will later test a hiv treatment (lopinavir/ritonavir) alone or together with a drug against hepatitis (interferon-β 1a). Røttingen explains that the 15 Norwegian patients participating in the research now.

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LEAD STUDY: the World health organization koronastudie starts in Norway. Director John-Arne Røttingen of the Research council of norway (t.v.) coordinate the study. The Norwegian part of the study, led by among others professor Pål Aukrust Oslo university hospital.

Photo: Terje Pedersen / NTB scanpix To prevent the virus spreading

It is already known that a drug, which combines the antiviral drugs, lopinavir and ritonavir, has been used to suppress the virus infection in hiv patients.

This has already been tested in China. Japan has stated that they will investigate about hivmedisiner can be used to treat koronapasienter.

Røttingen says that they do not work with a “miracle cure” that will kill the virus, but curb the spread of the virus in the cells. He explains what the medicine should do.

These specific antiviral means that we test now, to try to reduce the speed of the virus’s delingsevne and opportunities to be able to spread to other cells in the body. So that the body wins. A lower speed will give the immune system more time to cope with the virus, ” he says.

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the Researchers all over the world to collect information about how these treatments affect the survival of patients and how long they need intensive care and hospitalization.

the Study has what we call multiple arms, and we test out different medications to different patient groups, says Røttingen.

He explains the sat there are three levels of security before it becomes feasible to run out any drugs to use. The first is get to a green light from the independent committee as follows with in the results.

– Then shall we, who is leading the study, publish the results for peers, experts, and statisticians. To the independent people who can think and criticize our work, ” he says and adds:

– a shatters a towns ” culture in the WHO take an assessment of whether the data is so secure that it will come with international recommendations. In addition, this happens in every single country.

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